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LMG appreciation post

Been watching Linus for more than 10 years now and boy has that whole entity evolved throughout time...

Just wanted to share my appreciation for what Linus and the whole company at this point is doing since It has been extremely helpful in my life so far.

I've always been interested in computers but despite following a tech-oriented educational path I never really got into places where they would teach us anything really.

So it was me, my spare time and a couple of local tech enthusiasts just figuring it all out. Then I got my access to internet and everything got way easier lol.

When I found Linus on youtube I already had a basic grasp on most fundamental topics but it was very shallow with a lot of holes and partially misunderstood.

With the help of numerous LTT videos (watched literally everything back then) in the span of 7-8 years I learned A LOT while also being entertained.

Following my university graduation (did electrical engineering) and obtaining a couple of certificates from online courses and mostly carried by my passion and the things I've learned and done on my own at home throughout the years I landed a junior system administrator job position at a leading local tech company. Fast forward 2 years I'm now administrating quite an infrastructure and working on many diverse projects.

I believe I owe Linus and the whole team a big THANK YOU for educating me while being very entertaining all these years and most importantly for keeping that spark which is very essential to one's desire to learn and improve and seek new adventures instead of being scared of change.

Would be interested in reading your stories of how LTT was part of your career path and how they've influenced you and your life!

Thank you! 馃檪

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6 hours ago, LinusTech said:

Always love reading these kinds of stories. Thanks for sharing 馃檪

Waddup, Linux Sebastian!

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