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Strange Issue with my RTX 2070. Games only use it when I'm Alt-Tabbed.

Hey all, I've been dealing with this issue for almost a year now and it seems absolutely no one else on this planet has this issue. On most of the games I play in the menus I will only be getting like 2 fps and my cpu (i9 9900k) will be receiving the bulk of the load whereas my gpu sits at 1-15% utilization. Once I tab out of the game however the games fps skyrockets to 144fps+ and the gpu gets pegged at 70-100% like I would expect. At first this issue was only in the menus but now in games such as Modern Warfare 2019 and Halo Infinite the game will just flat out refuse to the use the gpu when it is the focused application. I've attached a video below of the issue.

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You are alt-tabbed, which means you run it in bordlerless. Does it also happen in fullscreen mode? (Like do you have 30FPS while playing fullscreen).

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