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MX 500 SSD crucial


I just installed windows onto a SSD for the first time.. win 10 .. it seems like the same speed or is it just me. The improvements I have seen are higher fps in games like battlefield 5 cuz it's huge world.. but loading times seems about the same.. windows 10 was fresh on both SSD and HHD

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What are the other specs of your system?


Loading in games hits everything - CPU, RAM, and the storage drive. If you only have an older CPU, or your RAM is slow, or if the game is poorly optimized and only loads using one or two CPU cores, then an SSD might not load some games much faster than a clean hard drive. A good HDD can have sequential read speeds up to 200 MB/s, which is slower than a SATA SSD, but not alarmingly slower.


The big advantage of an SSD is for system responsiveness in general, because the random access times are so much better. Lesser used programs will launch faster. The system won't crawl to a halt if Windows Defender does a virus scan. You can go to any directory in Windows Explorer and it won't hang on you. That sort of thing.

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O ok well it is doing better at over all access of the system. It is a core i7 3770, 16 gb ram, a Dell XPS motherboard with a GTX 960. 

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