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How hard is it to setup a NAS? (Purchased NAS vs old pc converted to NAS)

Hi All,


Sorry I am time limited these days and trust the opinions of this forum highly. I am about to build a new pc and so am thinking about converting my old system into a NAS but have also been tossing up just buying a NAS. I am pretty good with Pc's but my formal training is very outdated (I finished Cisco certified network administrator and Aries A+ in 2005). I have also built a few pc's the last in 2010. I have used DOS and am pretty reasonable and picking command line stuff up but know nothing about programming. 


What I am looking for in a NAS:

1. Ability to automatically backup specified folders/files on my computer, plus 2 laptops (currently use my university paid for onedrive).

2. Ability to have photos from my phone and my wife's phone automatically backup to the NAS.

3. Although it won't be done super often I want the ability to stream videos from the NAS preferably whilst also not at home (if that's possible?)

4. I need to be able to access all my files and folders offsite and would also prefer someway if needed to be able to access it off of a computer that isn't mine. For example if I need to use my work laptop which is secure but is locked down so we can't install programs on it.

5. Need it setup with redundancy (like raid 1).

6. A bit of future proofing if possible so it won't need to be completely replaced (hence why I'm thinking turning my old pc into a NAS is a better idea).

7. I don't think I will need a huge amount of storage like between my pc and the 2 laptops plus 2 phones I think our storage limits in total are 6gb.


The CPU in this old pc is a 6700k and I would have 16 to 32gb of ram to put in it. I know the 6700k has built in graphics but if needed I could maybe also use a 2070 super in it. But I know that amount of ram and a graphics card is super overkill. I would look to replace the motherboard + power supply and put them in a small form factor case rather than leaving them on an ATX board. I am guessing I probs only need 2x 8gb like ironwolf drives? Maybe an ssd for caching?


With all this in mind what sounds like a better option? Converting that system to a NAS or buying a purpose built NAS like Synology?


Sorry I know I can probably find a lot of this myself but I just like the opinions of people who already have NAS experience.


Thanks All

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Oh and how hard would it be to set this up on a converted pc vs a purpose built NAS?

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1. This is pretty easy. Id use something like veeam on the pcs to back them up to a network share.

2. Nextcloud is good at this, and pretty easy to setup

3. Plex/jellyfin makes this easy.

4. Depend son the setup here. Synology has some good software for doing this. Nextcloud also works.



How much storage do you need?


Id probably just put unraid on that old pc you have laying around and add those 2 8tb hdds. if you go diy. You probably won't need a ssd as the network is normally the speed limit with gigabit networks.


The features will be simmilar to a premade nas, but your gonna have to configure more, and it takes more time. Really up to what you value more. Ive used both a good amount.

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Thanks for the reply. So it seems like doing it on the old pc is the better idea then? The pro is it's more customisable and more powerful that most nas devices. The con is more setup and tinkering required. I don't mind having to figure out setting stuff up for it.


Thanks for the reply

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