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Ryzen 3200G should support 2933MHz RAM, but crashes above 2400MHz

Hello LTT聽community 馃檪

I have purchased a 3200G for a relative and wanted to get it up and running. I ran the RAM at 3200MHz during Windows Setup and it installed just fine. Every single time, 10 minutes after the install, the system would crash however, and not respond to reboots (flickering / random glitchy patches). I figured it probably is a driver problem caused by Windows Update.
After 6 hours of reinstallations, manual safety boots into Windows and trying to install the VGA drivers manually (which requires VS Redis, which in return require a Windows service that is disabled in the safe boot state, thanks Microsoft, but that is a different story), it still happened every time the driver was installed, even with the max supported RAM speed of 2933MHz.
As a last resort I tried to set the RAM speed to 1333MHz to see what happens... Bam! Booting straight to the desktop.
I can increase the RAM speed to 2400MHz max, after which I can not boot into Windows using the official drivers (Latest, and with stable certified build, and with the 2020 stable build).
Is this normal behavior? I see many people in forums reporting similar issues to mine, but the minimum supported speed should be 2933MHz according to the spec sheet. What should I do? Why would the default Windows VGA driver work with 3200MHz, but the official one won't?


Edit: Interesting side note: I inserted my relatives' old GT 430 and prevented the execution of Windows Update entirely. After uninstalling the AMD Radeon drivers using safe boot, the system seems to run stable while running the RAM at 3200 MHz XMP. But I have聽to use the integrated graphics in the Ryzen chip and would like to leave Windows Update enabled, so this is sadly still no solution.

Edited by Darkn
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How many RAM sticks are you trying to run?
Are you using XMP/DOCP or setting the frequencies manually?
Can you provide the exact model numbers on your RAM sticks?


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56 minutes ago, FakeKGB said:

How many RAM sticks are you trying to run?
Are you using XMP/DOCP or setting the frequencies manually?
Can you provide the exact model numbers on your RAM sticks?

Yes, thank you.

1) The issue persists while both using聽and not using XMP. It is currently enabled (only the RAM timings, clock speed set manually聽to 2400 MHz, to enable the system to boot)

2) Can't find a聽model number on the spec page, but here is the product description,聽of course:

16GB (2x 8192MB) G.Skill Trident Z silver/red DDR4-3200 DIMM CL16-18-18-38 (Dual Kit)

If it is聽necessary聽to check for a specific incompatibility with the actual memory chips on it, I will check the box currently in my basement, as聽I can't squeeze anything out of CPU-Z.

If any more info is required, I will provide it asap. Thanks again.

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