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Intel or AMD for new CPU

I'm trying to decide between either an Intel 10900 (or similar) or an AMD 3900 (or similar)
I was set to go for an AMD until LTT posted this video We made the perfect couples PC!
In this video Linus mentions having difficulty with some virtualization platform and swapped over to the Intel and it just worked.

Whilst initially this would be my daily desktop for gaming, photo editing, maybe the occasional video edit (my new camera has 4K video options) and also the odd virtual machine run under Hyper V once either it or the Lab PC needs an upgrade this would become my lab PC which would then run some kind of virtual platform and I just don't need the headaches.


Is this issue just an Unraid issue, or are other virtual platforms also affected?

To quote the video, Linus said he spoke with the guys from Unraid and they said "Yeah we love AMD and there's members of our community that are having great luck with AMD graphics using GPU pass through but it is just not as polished compared to the experience on Intel"
And is this simply a GPU pass through thing, or are there other issues with AMD virtualization?

I now ensure that I buy motherboards that have inbuilt Intel NIC's because of headaches with NIC support in the past. 
I was able get a different NIC chipset working once before, but the amount of time really had me wondering if it was worth the time and effort when for a small amount more I could have just got a motherboard that had an intel NIC and had no problems.


So does anyone have anything to add to this?

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i myself had better luck in virtualization stuff with intel imo intel has better core layout and better optimized instranctions for virtualization 

if it was useful give it a like :) btw if your into linux pay a visit here


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