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PC Stuck in a Reboot loop.


Two years ago one of my rigs kinda stopped working, it would usually do that but fiddling with the ram sticks would usually do the trick to making it post again and work as normal. Well, a couple of months ago it just didn't post, it just turned on for 2 seconds with the CPU led on and it turned off then went into a loop after a few seconds with the CPU led being constantly turned on each loop. So I removed the MOBO from the case and did the naked test with one single stick only one fan etc, gave the same results. I call it that night and just put everything back into the case and left it there for 2 days.


Tried again after two day doing the naked post and instead of just giving me the CPU led, it started Debugging as if it needed VGA and Ram, so I put both rams in, and my GPU and it booted normally into bios, did the factory initialization and everything was normal, regular temps and regular performance, and I was super confused. That day the PC worked perfectly with no hiccups. Next day after that it did the same thing again after it was shutdown the night before. Tried everything again from troubleshooting and nothing, I once again left it unattended and uplugged for a week, when I came around to try and turned it back on in that week, i did another CMOS reset and once again the PC turned on normally like nothing had happen, put up some movies to watch while I played some Forza and suddenly it shutoff and it didn't turn back on with again the same problem of no Post and CPU led stuck on the reboot loop. flash forward today and it still having that same issue. I've tried new batteries for the CMOS, tried another PSU, different rams and I just gave up, if anyone knows what can I do, please I'm listening to any advice.


Also, Gigabyte also doesn't seem to uphold warranties if the Item was bought from amazon and Shipped to Puerto Rico. so guess I'm screwed.


Specs for this PC:

Intel i7-6700k

Gigabyte Z270X Utra Gaming Rev1

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB


Corsair CX600M

Corsair H60i 

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