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looking to upgrade to 3700x/mbo questions

Hi,  I'm looking to upgrade to 3700x from my haswell i5. My use case is mostly gaming, i would like to get in to streaming/light video editing on this rig thou. Now I'm having trouble selecting a mbo. There is a lot of price/feature overlap/vrm quality overlap that makes me unsure on what to get so i have some questions.

  1. As far as mbo features go i am most concerned about vrm temps and quality for possible future upgrades for zen 3(or should I just not worry about that and get a new mbo if/when I consider upgrading)

  2. Should I be looking to avoid mbo's with 16mb bios chips at all cost? Mainly looking at msi here having to strip features from there bios to fit all the updates and how might that affect me in the future with new cpus on am4 and bios updates? Should i worry about that at all?

  3. I'd like to get intel lan instead of realteck and avoid low end/cheap onboard realtek audio as well

So all that being said i'm looking for some input from more knowledgeable/experianced/informed folks that I am.

Here are some MBOs I have my eye one:


          Asus prime x470 pro kind of my pick(has intel lan, Realtek S1220 audio, 32mb bios, downside seams to be hot vrm's)182€


          x470 gaming pro carbon 210€ really solid board but it has 16mb bios(should i be concerned about that?) this would also be the max I'd be willing to spend on a mbo


          b450 gaming pro carbon ac 150€ +wi-fi is nice, same concern as above


          asus rog Strix B450-E Gaming 172€ seams like a solid board+has wi-fi have not been able to find any vrm temp tests and also has 16mb bios chip


          msi b450 tomahawk max 130€ best bang for the buck it seams but realtek lan and low end onboard audio


Now prices are kind of high where I live(croatia), it's a ballpark price might get the boards like 10-15€ cheaper from different retailers or ordering online after factoring in the tax difference but that seams top be as low as they can go:(


I'd appreciate your guys input regarding this and your opinion regarding the issues I have(namely the 16mb bios chip).


Also bonus question, can anyone point me to any other mycron e die ram except the Balistic sport lineup?

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