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Help me to choose a laptop


Hey guys, so I recently sold my PC, because I need to get a portable machine as I'm not at home as much anymore. So I've been looking for good laptops in 650$ range. These are my requirements:


1) What is your budget?
About 650$ (I'm not from US/UK/Canada, so either give me something that is on amazon, because here in Latvia stuff is like 20% more expensive)

2) What size notebook would you prefer?
Anywhere between 13 and 15 inches.

3) Where will you buying this notebook? You can select the flag of your country as an indicator.
Latvia (But I prefer buying on Amazon, since it's a lot cheaper.

4) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like?
Well now I'm writing this with my Samsung RC520, which is actually quite bad (build quality wise). But I'm actually okay with all brands.

5) Would you consider laptops that are refurbished/redistributed?
Well, only if the price has really dropped.

6) What are the primary tasks will you be performing with this notebook?
Casual web surfing, YouTube, playing some games (like Source engine ones, and some old MMORPGs mostly with friends), maybe making something with Photoshop.

7) Will you be taking the notebook with you to different places, leaving it on your desk or both?
Well, both.

8) Will you be playing games on your notebook? If so, please state which games or types of games?
Some Valve games, Minecraft, MMORPGs and that's about it, no FPSs except Counter Strike or something.

9) How many hours of battery life do you need?
Well about 4 or something.

10) Would you prefer to see the notebooks you're considering before purchasing it or buying a notebook on-line without seeing it is OK?
I would prefer it, but I'm okay with just pictures.

11) What OS do you prefer? Windows (Windows 7 / 8), Mac OS, Linux, etc.
I have Windows 8 disc, so I would prefer it to be without OS.

Screen Specifics

12) From the choices below, what screen resolution(s) would you prefer? 
1080P most preferably, because I really need screen real-estate and I watch a lot of YouTube videos at 1080p. Maybe this price range won't have anything, then I'll just be okay with that 1366x768, but the higher the better.

13) Do you want a Glossy/reflective screen or a Matte/non-glossy screen?
Preferably non-glossy

Build Quality and Design

14) Are the notebook's looks and stylishness important to you?
Well, yes. I don't like glossy build, since it scratches easily and is a fingerprint magnet. I want to have my laptop minimalistic.

15) When are you buying this laptop?
As soon as possible.

16) How long do you want this laptop to last?
For about 2 or 3 years.

Notebook Components

17) How much hard drive space do you need? Do you want a SSD drive?
Well I haven't used any SSD, so far I'm okay with 500 GB HDD

18) Do you need an optical drive? If yes, a DVD Burner, Blu-ray Reader or Blu-Ray Burner?


So yeah, help is appreciated! :3

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