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Everything posted by kasugatei

  1. Got tired of the regular consumer blades which can’t cut my beard well enough so it’s time for some old school tools.
  2. If you are serious into climbing, the amount of carabiners that you need is the number that you own + at least 1. Ovals are great for racking protection pieces and this one is sexy pink, how to resist?
  3. Last few years I’ve shifted most of my free time into mountaineering and various types of climbing. During the workdays I usually go to climbing gym to train for bouldering or lead climbing and during the weekends I usually go to mountains or crags. Since it is still cold enough outside I am speaking most of my weekends doing ice climbing.
  4. Social media pages (Facebook, Instagram etc.) ARE NOT replacement for your business web. Lots of those pages need an account for access and some important information can be missed by potential customers without social network accounts. Social network pages can be good for marketing, but if you are considering yourself a serious business, you should have your website with all important information regarding your business on that site. With services like Squarespace there are no excuses why businesses should not have a dedicated website.
  5. The best explanation what NFTs are that I have heard so far is the following. Imagine super promiscuous person that is having sex with many different people every day including you with the difference that you are actually married to that person. Your marriage certificate would be a NFT in that case.
  6. Agree. Lots of anime is copy/paste concepts with different characters. Also every other anime is high schoolers being protégés of something which is just stupid.
  7. You can like art but dislike the artist. It is perfectly fine and boycotting art because of the artist’s beliefs is stupid. Some examples the writer is homophobe, but his books are great and fun? Yes I will read them and like them unless writer is pushing his agenda aggressively in the books. Musician is racist, but his music is pure art? Hell yes, I will listen to that music and again no racist themes are in the songs. Guitar player is self righteous ass****, but his compositions are great? Yes, I will listen to them.
  8. Back in the past when I was training boxing my coach told me to use Nivea cream on the boxing gloves in order not to crack the leather. I believe it could work on headphones as well.
  9. Winter is here, I am climbing longer routes so some extra protection pieces are needed
  10. His production is mostly shit, but his music is pure art. I also agree with everything else.
  11. Several music related topics. if you are talented musician, but your songs are boring/unoriginal/mediocre you will not succeed. There are lots of eg. guitar shredders which can really play, but they don’t have the song. You can get wow factor for the first 2min then it just gets boooooring. Speaking of guitar shredders, most of the modern metal sucks. Once my YouTube was playing some videos in auto play and the video for the announcement for some tour of 5 modern tech death metal bands popped in. I shit you not, I thought it was the one band playing one song, but there were 5 of them playing 5 songs and everything sounded like Meshuggah. Speaking of Meshuggah, we don’t need another Meshuggah, we need another XY band. When some classic metal or rock bands play you can immediately tell it is Iron Maiden, Motorhead etc, with modern one nope. They all sound almost the same. Speaking about uniqueness, Voice and similar shows are the worst thing really talented singer can do in their career. Those shows are just making copies of the precious pop singers. We don’t need copies, we need sone new blood and unique songs. Those shows are just shortcuts for the quick fame. If you only want instant quick fading fame then go for it. And lastly speaking about pop music, we need music that is produced by humans not machines. I am talking about small imperfections in the performance because perfection doesn’t naturally occur. There is no need to pitch correct everything and precisely adjust tempo of the performance. It just doesn’t sound good.
  12. What the hell did you try to say? I tried to read your comment like 5 times at least and each time it sounded as if I tried to read an essay of someone who was sky high when writing it.
  13. If you open a topic with extreme vague title like “help needed”, “I need help” or similar you don’t deserve any help. This is not only for this forum, but other forums in general. Why is so problematic to write eg. “Intel i7 overheating” in the title? Then someone who will have an idea about the topic might help and it increases your chances that the most competent user will reply. But if you are too lazy to even help yourself with finding the help, I am first who is going to ignore you.
  14. I was very curious and tried the recipe. Before the conclusion here are some issues that I got with the article (not with you the user who I quoted, just to be clear). -the title is clickbait. -author is “THE COFFEE GUY” -FFS if you are a just a bit serious with making coffee one would stay away from volumetric units like cups, spoons etc. and use weight, most likely grams. -time is “few minutes”. What is few? 2? 3? 5? Any serious coffee recipe will give you a precise time. Then I asked google to give me approximate of cup to ml and tablespoons to grams. Then again weight of 1 tablespoon of coffee changes quite bit from grind setting to grind setting so I had to dig up measuring spoon to get approximate weight, argh. That’s why everyone is using scales for crying out loud. So results are as follows. It was a bit stronger coffee, texture is completely missing espresso silkiness, no crema, a bit bitter even with medium roast beans. It was not bad cup if I had to judge it as is. However, sorry, but that was not even close to the espresso. Also generally speaking regarding “I found one article so I am right” stance, I can link several articles which will “prove” that Earth is flat and we all know it is not.
  15. Usually dummy plugs are being used for remote access so when you use eg. TeamViewer or VNC or similar that you don’t get 1024x768 or similar low resolution on your client PC. Also most of the usage is for some specific servers which require GUI based administration. That being said, the intended purpose is not gaming. When you use remote connection software usually the whole screen is encoded as video. Encoding 4K120 is extremely demanding on the hardware. That is why remote connection is encoded in lower framerate. 4K17 is more than enough for remote access of eg. Windows GUI and as I’ve mentioned before dummy plugs are designed mostly for administration purposes so they fit the bill.
  16. I will return to tattoos. Just don’t put tattoo on yourself for the sake of having tattoo. It is quite obvious which people did that and it just doesn’t look good. In lots of cases it is comparable to using Office Clipart on your body - seen millions of times and unimaginative. People who really want tattoos will do research, they will know which tattoo artist can do art that they want and the art won’t be something like copy/paste from the internet.
  17. Just one more thing regarding the French press vs espresso debate. French press is made with infusion technique, espresso is made with percolation technique. In the first one grounds and water are combined together and then plunger is used as filter where pressure on the grounds have virtually zero effect on the taste. On the other hand in espresso water is pressurized to 9 bars and it is flowing though the grounds. Filter coffee is significantly different than espresso yet both are percolation techniques. Even Turkish coffee and French press are significantly different even though both are infusion techniques. My point is that apples (French press) and oranges (espresso) are being compared here and even though oranges (espresso) and lemons (filter) are from the same plant family (percolation) they are different. Both are tasty, but they are not the same.
  18. I completely agree with that. I really like espresso and still when I am in mood for one I will go to the local cafe. I have plethora of coffee makers at home including Aeropress, French press, Wacaco and nothing comes close to the taste and texture of a good Italian style espresso even with makers such as Aeropress and Wacaco which are introducing pressure to the infusion. They are all making good coffee, but it is not espresso.
  19. This is not beautiful. Humans can’t have teeth in that color. Also super uniform teeth shapes scream artificial. So called “Hollywood smile” looks way distracting because it simply doesn’t look natural. Don’t get me wrong, I consider that having nice teeth should be one of the priorities for everyone, but this kind of dental job doesn’t look that nice. Perfection doesn’t exist in the natural world and beauty is in those small imperfections which this doesn’t have at all.
  20. My experience with pods by various manufacturers is that they have “shallow” taste. Nespresso pods for example have great smell, but the taste is one big meeeeh. Also price per serving is much higher with pods than with grounds. My daily driver is Aeropress and I am getting freshly roasted coffee from few local roasters. No capsule coffee can get close.
  21. This is so wrong on so many levels. Overclocking is not an end game when it comes to the performance. I can tell you from my personal experience that just few tweaks in the bios can bring significant improvement in certain applications. It is not overclocking and the default settings are NOT wrong. They are just not optimal for some specific tasks. Regarding my server example, you didn’t understand it at all. So let me go low level. Supermicro as is from the store is 5k. OS is free. Company x is selling the same server with the same OS for 10k and they are rebadging it. The only difference is that in that case they are installing the OS and configuring it. That is considered a normal business practice. How the hell is that any different at the core from what Slick audio does? I have tons of examples to cover my claims, but it will be useless to proceed any further.
  22. Well, they still suck. Why is there no balance? In EU lots of “built for cars” places are being transformed into the pedestrian areas. It CAN be done if there is a will to do so. Also I disagree it being a worldwide problem. EU is quite fine. Most of Asian countries as well. Some of the Asian countries (Japan, Taiwan and China for example) eliminate need for a car even for the longer distance traveling because of the high speed railway systems.
  23. He is saying exactly what I said to you. I used Supermicros an example. In the case of Supermicro 5k USD server becomes 10k server. Even free OS was used then (Centos). So those BIOS and OS tweaks did not fall from the sky. That was product of the trial and error. I know that process quite well. I am also not willing to share all my “trade secrets” for free. I have another example for you. During my university days one guy sold Raspberry Pi with thermal probe to the pharmaceutical company for 5000 euros. He was providing full support for a 50eur tops of hardware which was just tracking a refrigerator temperature. My mentor from the university told me that it is no longer Raspberry Pi, it is now a product. Was the price too high? Damn, it was. Did he scam them? No he didn’t. He told them his price and they paid him for the product which is doing exactly what it is advertised to do and what they asked for and they were happy with the solution. I could only see ad hominem to the owner. Yes, it is rebranded Clevo and NUC, no one is denying that, even the owner. Remember my story about Supermicro, same thing. Supermicro is the major OEM for server hardware. Again, free OS and Supermicro hardware is being sold for twice the price. Hell, even sometimes open source software is being “sold”. By sold I mean implementation and configuration of the software. As I said before, know-how costs money. Again, is he falsely claiming that his PC will sound better? Nope. He is just claiming that his PCs are optimized for audio production. Is it worth double the price? For me personally nope, but for some people it is worth the price. If someone needs to finish a (paid) recording project on rebadged Clevo which got broken, how is that different from broken rebadged Supermicro is unable to do its task? In any case money is being lost. In the case of servers that number is usually quite higher, but then again the price of the hardware (+ integrator commission) is also proportionally higher. And again no one is stopping anybody to do so. Rebranding OEM stuff and charging premium is present everywhere. Slick audio owner has found his niche. If I could think about anything similar I would do the same. Another example, why Fruit of the loom shirt with some band logo costs 2 times+ than the just regular Fruit of the loom shirt? Both are the same shirt in the end minus the print. We went quite into the off topic, but to summarize from the original topic. SSD will have no effect whatsoever on the audio. The only critical part is where AD conversion happens. PC is part of the digital realm and no component of the digital realm will affect zeros and ones of the audio file thus “audiophile” SSD is scamming people with false claims. However, Slick audio is selling rebranded OEM systems for higher margins with tweaked BIOS and tweaked OS. They are not claiming that their system will sound better or anything that belongs in the false claims territory like that SSD does. As I said before, IMHO I would never pay the price for it, but some people will and I don’t see anything remotely similar to the original topic. And lastly one anecdote which is perfectly suitable. Transmission of some truck got broken. Since it was quite expensive truck the new transmission system was also ridiculously expensive. And long story short truck owners found a guy who claimed that he can fix it so they brought the transmission to him. Guy told the owners that it will cost them 10000 dollars to fix it. They agreed. That guy just took the hammer and smashed one spot of the transmission unit and said that it was fixed. Owners said the hell they are going to pay 10k USD for just one hammer hit. Then guy explained to them that they are not paying him for that hit, but for the years and years of experience that led to the exact spot and exact strength of the hammer hit.
  24. I have missed that custom circuit boards, would you mind to show that statement? Also, since my speciality is IT infrastructure I can tell you that you are missing the point. And I am not defending Slick here. IMHO they are way too expensive for hobbyists. I have seen so many eg. Supermicro servers rebranded and being sold for double price or even more. Why? Because company that rebranded them is offering 5 years of support for the full system, both hardware and software (even OS). If something goes wrong in the worst case scenario you will get a completely new server in a matter of days. If Slick provides that kind of service then it is something that has its worth in gold if that system makes your living. Not to mention not all people are tech savvy when it comes to troubleshooting PC problems. Also, all server makers provide extra support tiers in the case of the trouble and that kind of support is not cheap. In my previous company we charged 100% margin on the server and all that would take to optimize it (OS) was to run a single script in 5 min. However I personally worked through 3 years to improve that script and that time is not cheap. If they are promising that their PCs sound better than X PCs, than it would be scamming. TLDR support an know-how costs quite some money
  25. I was watching some old photos and I finally remembered this. Modern American city design sucks a huge ass. Few years ago I went to visit my relatives in the US. They live in the typical residential neighborhood that can be seen on plethora of the US series. I decided to go to the supermarket which was 2km away on foot and you know, that thing for pedestrians next to those super wide roads? there was none. As soon as I left the street full of houses there was none, nada. WTF? Then I was looking for some public transportation and the answer was f*** you. The only way to make a trip is by car. In my home country I can walk wherever I want. Cycling is also fine. Small supermarkets, cafes etc. are part of the neighborhood, public transportation is readily available and you can live without car, but in the US it is impossible in almost 90% of the cases. City centers look like exception. In the country where I currently live my neighborhood is also residential, but there are still supermarkets, convenience stores, rail and bus stations, schools etc. all in the 15min of walking distance. You can live comfortable life without car. Meanwhile in the US everything is designed around cars and that just sucks.