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  1. Forgot about this build log and though i would update with some new pics. Upgraded the gfx and now the loop looks better with the gfx connected
  2. Congrats on the 1 mill subscribers. Been watching since the NCIX days, would be cool to see some more old school unboxings
  3. What i would do is use an android tablet mounted in the dash connected to an external hd. It can be wired in and conected to the audio system, have on board wifi that will connect and sync when you are at home and will be able to use other available. It can be controlled from your phone and will use less power so will be easy to splice into the 12 source without having to use an inverter to power it all.
  4. thought about using gromets to route all the cables under the desk? would look a lot cleaner. Just throwing ideas out there . Looking good!
  5. No problems with the res yet although the built in pump is a little noisey. Wil be the next thing to upgrade along with the GFX card. Will be getting a D5 a new res and thicker rad soon hopefully
  6. Yea it seems to be good for the price. have only bumped up the voltage a little and hasn't had any heat or blue screen problems (old motherboard i couldn't even get a stable 4.2ghz)
  7. UPDATE Brought a new motherboard that is so much better than the old one and should hopefully get some good overclocks (sitting on 4.6ghz at the moment stable with no effort) also my compression fittings have arrived so i rebuilt my loop with new tubing but still haven't got another rad yet. New motherboard with water block EK fittings New Pics (The 24pin is no longer over top of the tubing - Dunno how that happened)
  8. Will most likely be hardware raid as i don't trust the mobo to handle a large raid array. Trying to sell the raid card i have in there at the moment to buy something more suited
  9. Hardware CASE: NZXT Phantom PSU: Cooler Master Extreme 2 725W MB: Gigabyte 890GPA-UD3H CPU: AMD Phenom II 1090T Black Edition HS: Prolima Tech Megahalems RAM: 12 GB GSkill HDD: Mix of Seagate and WD 1Tb and 2TB Drives (In the possess of replacing them all with 3TB WD Greens Total Theoretical Capacity: 15 TB Actually usable Capacity: 14 TB Software and Configuration: Windows 7 JBOD at the moment until i get all my new drives to build a RAID 5 Usage: Full media server for the house and storage server for my main PC. Stream music to my phone when im not at home Photo's:
  10. All in one water cooling with some noctuas on it should work well for temps and silence
  11. Will you be over clocking/ looking for silence or performance?
  12. You should place all the spare cable behind the mobo tray (there is plenty of room) and run the 24pin through the grommets and will look really tidy
  13. Wow love the colour scheme