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Everything posted by leelaa14

  1. Out of those games you mentioned, only shadow of war is available on steam.
  2. Yeah I've seen that video, still curious though as to weather it means in theory, we should see better performance scaling in third party games.
  3. For a while now I've been wondering, with the one x and devs trying to mostly push for 4k (though not 100% achieving it) would this mean we should see better optimised games on pc?
  4. Is there an option for render resolution or resolution scale that's turned up? If so you'd be rendering at a higher resolution that 1080p.
  5. leelaa14

    FPS Cap

    I did use nvidia inspector, but now I use the nvidia control panel hexedit to activate the fps limiter option from there instead.
  6. I used to have this problem now and then and it was cause by geforce experience. If it's installed then uninstall it and see if it sorts it. If not the just install it again.
  7. You will keep any unlocks but lose your keybindings.
  8. Left 4 dead 2 Battleblock Theater Borderlands 2 + The Pre Sequel. (Brderlands 1 may have controller support but can't remember. If you do play all three, go 1, pre sequel and then 2.) Broforce Call of duty. Couldn't really say which one as I can't remember which ones support campaign co-op online. Castle Crasher Pit People Don't starve together Dying Light Gang Beasts Human Fall Flat Killing Floor 2 Move or Die Party Panic Portal 2 Portal Knights Road Redemption Rocket League Shadow Warrior 2 Streets of Rogue
  9. leelaa14

    DAC/AMP £100

    Looking for a DAC/AMP for my headphones. AD700X. I know they're not exactly hard to drive, just looking that provides nice sound quality. I use the GSX1000 now, which without a doubt helps with positional audio, but the actual sound quality isn't great. I like that you can plug your mic and speakers into it though, so if it could have any of those two features that'd be nice, but it's not necessary if it's gonna substantially raise the price.
  10. I wanna say yeah, but only if they're not loot box (random based). Having random elements just show the dev wants you to gamble your money away.
    • Divinity Original Sin 2. Should of bought it a lot sooner, the lack of hand holding is very nice. Kicking back with the steam controller.
  11. Turn post ptrocessind down to low, should get a big boost with pretty much no quality loss Just lose reflections in puddles and a few other little things.
  12. If you want to do online missions but in a empty lobby then follow these steps. Open the start menu and type Network and firewall Select Windows Firewall with Advanced system On the left hand side, you should see inbound and outbound connections. Go into Outbound connections. Create a new rule on the left hand side. Select Port and click next. Select UDP and put in these ports 6672, 61455, 61457, 61456, 61458 These are R* game server ports and select next. Select Block connection and click next twice. Now enter a name Eg GTA:O Blocking (Call it whatever) Now you are done. Right click on that new rule (It should be at the top of the list. If not find it by ABC) Click Disable Rule. Join GTA:O into a pub session. One in right click on that rule again and enable rule. Now when you play you will be in a public lobby by yourself. You may get put in a lobby at first with one or two people, but just search for another game and all is good.
  13. Turn post processing down to medium. You'll get about 20-30 fps from it.
  14. Crossplay coming this week if you own the windows store version of ark. https://mspoweruser.com/ark-survival-evolved-gets-cross-play-support-week/
  15. Yeah it doesn't seem to benefit me at least. Maybe a little when typing, but for gaming I make no contact at all with it.
  16. Yeah I'm Looking at some wrist rests now. I think I've seen the ducky one that you mention. I've searched for A TKL sized one and found a glorious gaming race one from overclockers UK. for £15. It seems pretty nice. Would like to find a way to attach it though as It would be a pain to move that and the keyboard around my pad.
  17. It's not really about there being a right or wrong way to use it, I'm just curious if people actually benefit from it whilst gaming or purely just typing.
  18. So I'm giving the included wrist rest a go that came with my K65 and it seems that I make no contact with it at all whilst gaming. Is it meant just purely for typing or are my hands positioned wrong? Seems like it's just not big enough.
  19. Hmm, I watched ACG's video on this and I fully agree with him. Basically his opinion is the devs knew exactly what they were doing and were caught out. He also says the consumer takes it a lot better if the devs come out and say they made a mistake and they didn't know, rather than admitting were being scum and cramming DLC down our throat.
  20. I'm a former console gamer and finally moved from ps4 after 20 years of console gaming. Since moving from console my eyes have been opened to the cancerous shit Devs are shoving down their throats. I have a friend who is a console gamer and argues that people don't want loot boxes as you don't get anything good in them. Inclining that they're not pay to win enough. Some of my other console friends just spam cod and FIFA every year and drop £££ on those two core games. Fuelling the two main cancerous companies in the gaming industry, EA and Activision. You have console users bitching to pc users "it's not about the graphics, it's about the gameplay" and yet lost their shit when the pro and one x release..... Funny that. Consoles do nothing but hold the industry back. They force exclusives which again, another cancerous business practice. "Hey, you just got this console but wanna also pay this game? Fuck you, we paid for exclusivity. Now go buy our console too" Are pc users innocent? Fuck no, they are the smarter consumer though clearly. I'm pretty convinced that the whole battlefront 2 anger was most probably voiced by mainly pc users, as console users are happy to fork over money for that shit. The only good thing up come from console that I'm hopeful for is the one x, as I'm hoping it will lead to more optimized console ports for pc. Think about this, every time a next gen console is released, you get the Devs of games saying things like "oh now we have more power we can create bigger and denser world's" you hear things like that and it's instant verification that consoles are holding game development back.
  21. I had this problem in a few games when rivatuner was running.