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Finished my clock. Only took a year of troubleshooting lol



  1. mxk


    I'm surprised to see someone else who likes Nixie Tubes! I've been very interested in them and discovered them through the YouTuber, Tech Moan a while back. I should get one for my setup.


    I love your clock! What was the issue?

  2. Ashleyyyy


    i love those clocks and old stuff in general but like it's expensive :( 

  3. BuckGup


    In total it was only like $60 but I had to assemble it all. So if you aren't good at soldering look for a premade solution lol

  4. mxk


    Soldering isn't super hard though, right?

  5. Ashleyyyy


    you also need to have time though... and patience. i don't have patience. 

  6. mxk


    I mean if you have to get something done and you want it done well, you gotta do what you gotta do (that means sit there and solder for 239u4234 hours)

  7. Hackentosher


    Oh hell yeah. My coworker has offered me some nixie tubes, so as soon as I'm done with my current project, I'll get on designing a custom pcb for the tubes, an arduino, and some ws2812 RGB LEDs for accent. 

  8. BuckGup


    @mxk. No it's not if you have the proper lighting and equipment. You do need to practice though as soldering SMD for the first time will be a pain. They will stick, move at the last second, and easily burn up within seconds of too much heat. Size of some I used on the clock


  9. Hackentosher


    Lol try hand soldering 0603 resistors. They look like dust. 


  10. BuckGup


    Oh my god that's the worst
