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About Xtify

  • Birthday Jul 13, 1992

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  1. Username: Xtify Fav videos 1: https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1 2: https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY
  2. Linus, why dont you make a shopping list of all of the Build Guides you make? Post the video, then on your website, have people "Preorder" if they really love your build then buy all of the components in bulk, that way, you can get discounts to your viewers! This may be far away for the LinusTechTips team, but I think it's a good idea.
  3. Post ONCE in this thread to enter. Include whatever you want in the post - how you found Linus Tech Tips, your favourite series or style of video on Linus Tech Tips, what product you would like to see us review in the future, heck, we'll even take a post about your favourite food. Creativity is always welcome Hi, Linus and peeps, Congrats on 1000000 Subs.Found Linus just searching on how to build PCs and I would love if you reviewed the iPhone 6 . Also Lasagna 4lyfe
  4. Fav video from Jay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4og2AGueYR0&list=UUkWQ0gDrqOCarmUKmppD7GQ and Linus I was just about to go buy a PC from Microcenter and chose the Z9 270 because it was great for a budget PC but a 270X would be more X for Xciting!!
  5. Linus the link to Amazon could be a bit more direct to the product, I'm getting a bunch of keyboards with almost zero results to the actual ZBoard Skateboard.
  6. I like how its so smooth its easy to clean, my PS4 and 3 always get SOO so dusty and I have to buy canned air to properly maintain them.
  7. @Erik4boss will those triple 4K monitors be too much? I mean power-wise can it handle it?
  8. Yes, rendering videos is also something to take into account, not sure what more I would need to make that as fast as possible. Thank you for your parts suggestions too, Im pretty much a noob at this whole thing, having help really helps i guess lol.
  9. Cases arent that important though right? Im sure I can find one compatible with all the components yet visually pleasing.
  10. I got this list off of /r/buildapc, and would like a second opinion and advice on what a high-end PC would be - the best, not necessarily the most expensive parts are, to get the best experience.
  11. I want a future-proof rig and the price is flexible, I want the best gaming experience possible. I dont want the most expensive parts, the budget just happens to be a bit luxurious. No this is not a troll post, I really need help.
  12. I want atleast one 4K monitor and the other two on the triple set up being 1080 at least. I know the one I picked out isnt a 4K monitor but I just picked a triple set up as an outline. This is my first big build and am not sure if having a 1080p, 4K, 1080p triple monitor set up is plausible. Also not sure if this set-up can handle the triple set up along with 4K.
  13. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/DwPjNG Link to my build parts, I have a budget of 8-10K and wanted to get the best 4Kapable gaming machine I could think of. I know I want the triple monitor set up and definitely a "future-capable" rig. The case is negotiable since the one I picked out is pretty vanilla, and maybe tips on cooling options, fan or water cooling.