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i might be able to buy a mid-range gpu next month , maybe , lets see how things go. ??

  1. LukeSavenije
  2. Tech_Dreamer
  3. LukeSavenije


    did i say something wrong?

  4. Tech_Dreamer


    oh snap! i thought you were talking about 580 from NVIDIA like mockingly, my bad.  i most probably wont lean to amd.

  5. LukeSavenije


    well... it depends on what you call midrange here... but RX580  is about the best you can get valuewise. i call the 2060/1070 ti high end, but i might intended you wrong here. 290x is pretty sweet too for around 90 bucks second hand...

  6. TopHatProductions115
  7. Tech_Dreamer


    uncertain at this point, will know by that time. post on it if it gets to that.

  8. LukeSavenije


    is that a sc black?

  9. Tech_Dreamer


    very tiny form factor. i like & dislike it at the same time.

  10. TopHatProductions115


    If you end up with 250 USD or more, go for a 1070/1070 Ti minimum on the green side. If you end up with 30 USD, go 1080 hunting :D 

  11. LukeSavenije


    we need more powah... dual fan model

  12. Techstorm970


    So, the @Tech_Dreamer will no longer be able to bitch about not having his dream PC next month?!


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