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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. Oh, I didn't know 12.04 didn't have it there! Later versions incorporate the additional drivers tab in that window. I think you have to look for the Additional Drivers app (using the unity menu) and, if you do not have it, install from the software center. (Source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/47506/how-do-i-install-extra-drivers)
  2. Maybe if we wait long enough they'll give up on the idea and set it back the way it was, breaking it for everyone that already merged the things!
  3. Is it just me or when I click the "in reply to XYZ" next to a comment it opens another tab on chrome and starts playing the video again only to put the original comment on top of the comment list (not even near the reply, like it used to)? Seriously? And instead of worrying about the damned Google+ links and whatnot's they should worry about linking multiple YouTube accounts to the same Google Account. I wonder what's going on at Google... Next thing you know we'll be posting videos on Google+ along with the other stuff because they'll merge YouTube with it...
  4. Also, do not forget to enable hardware virtualization features and to tweak all the other settings.
  5. I installed Ubuntu on a 15GiB partition (including 2GiB) swap on my 128GB SSD dual booting with Windows 8. Of course most of Windows games/apps are in the HDD and so is the /home partition of Ubuntu (150GiB), but I still managed to have a few programs installed on Ubuntu. And since Steam keeps the game files and config data on /home I can have all the games I want.
  6. You can use the first method and the drivers will recompile automatically every time the kernel upgrades. The easier way is to open the software center, go to edit > software sources... > Aditional drivers and choose the recomended one.
  7. MikeD

    Stack overflow people annoy me...

    Why is that?
  8. Programming languages are really just tools. In much the same way that we made spoons to easily eat soup people develop programming languages to help solve their particular problems. Actually, a friend of mine is developing a (sort of) compiler for the Computational Biology group as his Master thesis. It should make it easier for the people working there who do not have the skills to work with lower-level tools or build their own and are more focused on the biology part to learn this resulting language/tool and do their research.
  9. MikeD

    Why do people reply without reading everything…

    But then we have people writing the exact same thing two posts in a row or answering an already answered question.
  10. Why do people reply without reading everything first?

    1. WorldDominator


      That would just take too much time :)

    2. MikeD


      But then we have people writing the exact same thing two posts in a row or answering an already answered question.

    3. WorldDominator


      I was being sarcastic. That is the ideal way how things will work out, but it doesn't happen that way :P

  11. But then if the last element was the highest you would miss it. A simple solution would be to store the index along with the max and then print that.
  12. I would just add sudo apt-get dist-upgrade at the end of that list.
  13. I don't see any reason to not be able to use all the cores. The reason for the virtual memory limit is the fact that in 32 bit programs a pointer has size 4 bytes (32 bits, hence the 4GB limit). But the cores used depend only on the number of threads created and the operating system scheduler. Whether you launch 2 or 10 the OS will take care of scheduling them to all available cores/hardware threads.
  14. If by that you mean that the full available RAM can be split among the x86 processes, then yes. If you mean that each x86 process will be able to use the full address space, then no. Just to clarify.
  15. That's why I suggested the "Editing Ubuntu's filesystem table" section of that link: it edits the fstab!
  16. Next time you install Linux you can choose to install the /home directory in a different partition. For instance, I have / mounted in an SSD that has a Windows partition and /home mounted in the HDD along a data partition that I can access with both Windows and Linux (I use it mostly to install Windows games and big applications and for windows files). For now you can check this out if you haven't already: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions I'd go with the "Editing Ubuntu's filesystem table" method.
  17. Sometimes when I have live USB issues with Ubuntu I try a different USB port. Really, it matters! And sometimes I have to perform multiple formats of the USB and burn the iso again for it to work properly. (BTW, I use http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ on windows or good ol' dd in linux)
  18. MikeD uses Linux. It's super effective!
  19. Have you tried Gnome 3? As for the integration with the top bar I kind of hate it (especially in Mac, where the desktop is actually the "Finder" and there is always a menu there, but sometimes there's some app in the foreground that I can't see and the menus are different ... aghhh!), so I wouldn't know where else to find it!
  20. I'm not sure what you are trying to do exactly, but Linux does not use executables in the same way windows does. Actually, in Linux every single file can be an executable, and file extensions do not matter at all (except for the human reading the file name, although they are useful of course). If you want to install a program you have to go through the software center or the package manager or you must select the Linux .deb installer from the software download page if you get it online. Another way to get an executable is to compile the program. If you want to run a program that is only available in Windows you can use Wine as a process emulator to execute it or Mono if it is a .NET application.
  21. I just stumbled upon this in the facebook group for my BSc degree: https://github.com/vhf/free-programming-books/blob/master/free-programming-books.md It has a bunch of books on a variety of computer science related disciplines and programming languages.
  22. And I'm back, this time with something for the Lisp users, particularly clisp: (defgeneric hello (x))(defmethod hello ((x integer)) (format t "W") (call-next-method))(defmethod hello ((x real)) (format t "o") (call-next-method))(defmethod hello ((x number)) (format t "r"))(defmethod hello :after ((x number)) (format t "l"))(defmethod hello :after ((x real)) (format t "d"))(defmethod hello :after ((x integer)) (format t "!"))(defmethod hello :before ((x integer)) (format t "l"))(defmethod hello :before ((x real)) (format t "o"))(defmethod hello :before ((x number)) (format t " "))(defmethod hello :around ((x integer)) (format t "H") (call-next-method))(defmethod hello :around ((x real)) (format t "e") (call-next-method))(defmethod hello :around ((x number)) (format t "l") (call-next-method))(hello 5) ; You can call with any value, as long as it's an integer! Enjoy!
  23. Ok. I'd do something along the lines of Book: ISBN (PK, unique, not null) Subject Book Title Author - First, Last Name Edition Book copy: (many-to-one) ID (PK, unique, not null) ISBN (FK_Book) Student: Student ID # (PK, unique, not null) First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Borrowed (one-to-many) Student ID (FK_Student) Book ID (PK, FK_Book copy) (only 80% sure about the PK and relation here!) Exchanged Student ID (FK_Student) Book taken (PK, FK_Book copy) (I'd have to make a drawing to be sure about the relation and PK here) New Book ID (FK_Book copy) (you must keep the removed book in the book copy table) And then it's all about the order of the operations and only messing with the exchanged and borrowed tables (if you use triggers). More detailed: The student table is pretty simple. You add students! The borrow table is also simple. Now you have two options: you either build a set of queries to be applied in order to perform one operation (when someone exchanges a book you have one query to add the new book and another to populate the exchange table) or you use triggers and procedures so that when someone tries to exchange a book by adding an entry it will automatically add an entry to the book table and then carry on the add on the exchanged table. The book and book copy tables are also simple, in the sense that after populating them (not sure how you intend to do this, if you have a pool of books to begin with or you will have students that donate books and you want to keep track of this, in which case you need more stuff) you should not have to mess with it directly if you use triggers (not sure if access has this, but it should). I separated book and book copy to keep track of different copies of the same book without replicating information (which is the point of databases!) If you want to do it by hand (perform the queries by hand for each operation) you are done. If not, the following applies The magic happens at the exchange table. You can define a procedure to be run every time someone tries to add something to the exchange table. In this case that procedure would be to add a book on the book table if it does not exist (based on the isbn of the new book) with the information supplied and then create a new entry in the book copy table. After the trigger has been processed the create operation would be executed normally. Now, I realize this may be a bit overkill if you are looking for something more simple, but this would get you more marks if you were being evaluated. At least it would get me a better score!! Also, if someone spots an error or disagrees please say so. It has been more than a year since my Databases class and now I am taking a Data Mining/Warehousing class which is a bit different and may be confusing me about what can be done!
  24. Just to clarify, are you trying to do something like this? http://m.linuxjournal.com/content/use-ssh-create-http-proxy (sorry for the mobile link!)
  25. I think you should rethink your relational model. You have represented the entities book and student but you are missing the relations between those entities, which is at least borrow (and exchange if you are interested in knowing who exchanged what and not only which books you have). You should not keep the count of how many of a certain book you have. The way databases are supposed to be used is you keep track of who borrowed what and calculate how many you have by making a query that subtracts the number of records for that book isbn on the borrowed table to the number of books with that isbn in the books table (you should have another id to distinguish different copies of the same book).