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Everything posted by chilicheeseburger

  1. Actually, that reminds me of one of my earliest friends in elementary school. His family had a small dog that would keep humping everything he could get his paws on. So anyway, for humping you can use words like vögeln, bumsen but that is also something you can relate to human intercourse. If you want a term for agricultural breeding, that would be called "decken". But as Benji already said, besteigen is a word that would be suitable here.
  2. Naja, wenn du Deutsch als Fach hast in der Schule ist das halt zwangsläufig Hochdeutsch. Ich finde es eher andersrum traurig wenn man in Ecken von Deutschland ist wo die Jüngeren teilweise den lokalen Dialekt gar nicht mehr können.
  3. Bei uns heißt Fotzn sowas wie Mund oder Maul, bzw. a Fotzn ist eine Backpfeife bei euch Oder Fotzhobel = Mundharmonika. Wenn ein Behältnis einen Ausguss hat, ist das der Fotz usw. Weiß noch wo ich klein war und das erste Mal außerhalb von Bayern war und meine Mutter mir hundert mal eingetrichtert hat dass ich das Wort nicht benutzen darf
  4. Mia ham koan Kieferorthopäden ned mir ham schäd
  5. c'est le Scharnier de la Tür de Stall
  6. @Benji freut mich dass du noch hier bist, wenigstens einer von damals der den Thread am Laufen hält Ich weiß noch dass es dir damals schon ned so gut gegangen ist privat, find es echt nicht schön zu hören dass es immer noch so ist. Wenns irgendwas gibt was dir auf der Seele liegt, schreib mir eine PM wenn du willst! @soldier_ph Was du beschreibst ist genau so wie bei uns, wir schreiben unternander auch einfach ohne Grammatik oder so und es gibt von Ort zu Ort Variationen im Dialekt. Wir feiern euch Schweizer eigentlich alle, aber ich zumindest tu mich brutal hart euch zu verstehen
  7. Weißt was lustig ist, ich war grad in meiner Stammkneipe und neben uns im Biergarten war ein Tisch mit Touristen aus der Schweiz. Waren bestimmt alle schon Rentner, also denk das Durchschnittsalter von denen war so 65-70. Ich denk dass die uns, also Bairisch, ohne irgendwelche Probleme verstehen, aber ich hab kein Wort verstanden bei denen. Gibt es Schweizerdeutsch nochmal in so einer extremeren Variante was nur die alten sprechen?
  8. Ja kann gut sein, war hier früher recht viel unterwegs, denk das war so damals wo ich meine Ausbildung fertig hatte, also so 2014. Danach immer nur ab und an bissl reingeschaut.
  9. Hey, wie geht's euch allen so? @Benji bei dir alles klar? Hab hier schon ewig nicht mehr reingeschaut
  10. Also ich hatte bis jetzt nur seltenst Probleme mit Amazon und bestelle ziemlich viel da.
  11. Ruf mal beim Versender an, das Paket siehst du wahrscheinlich nie wieder... ?
  12. Vinyl will only start to melt at 100°C, so unless you plan on using your figure as a heatsink you're gonna be fine.
  13. You can get both a good chair and a monitor for that. I can recommend the IKEA Markus chair, which I still find comfortable after 4 years of sitting on it for at least 3-4 hrs a day. It hasn't worn out much from everyday use. I'm about 185 lbs and 6 ft. in American measurements, so pretty average. Of course what makes a good chair is very subjective, so if you have an IKEA nearby just go there and try it out. I thinks it's around $200.
  14. Well your laws let you drive a car at 16, so at least you have that going for you.
  15. I never knew that, I thought that was only for digital goods (like steam keys). But I checked amazon UK and sure enough they only charge me 19% VAT which is the German rate. It's actually hard to find any official info on how this works but from what I gather it depends on how much turnover the seller has in the country he would export to (In this case Denmark), so if the yearly turnover in a certain EU country exceeds a limit which is set by each indivual country (apparently DKK 280 000 for Denmark), the seller will then have to charge the VAT rate of the country he is exporting to rather than the country he is based in. (source: https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/vat-customs/cross-border/index_da.htm) I don't know if that's an official site or not, and what I wrote is only my understanding of it. So you can forget about Amazon because they will surely exceed the yearly limit and charge your local VAT, but you may be able to buy it from a smaller German store for example and only pay 19% VAT.
  16. Censorship? No. Censorship laws tend to always be abused to silence opposing political viewpoints, block foreign media, etc. This however does not mean that no laws should apply.
  17. In my experience this only happens as frequently as you describe it after you accept the local guide badge on your google account. If you ignore it for a while it will stop.
  18. I know, I read a lot about bugs online. I was just talking about my personal experience. What did you run into?
  19. Anyway, I can't really wrap my head around the fact why they would have that X-shape pavement there... (where the accident happened). Even if they put up signs telling people not to use it - which just makes the pavement completely useless, that was an accident waiting to happen, self driving car or not.
  20. Actually in a lot of places in Europe that's how it works. Cities here aren't designed around cars and laws favor pedestrians/cyclists over drivers. If you're involved in an accident with a cyclist and you were driving, you're in for a bad time. (I'm in no way a fan of this, because it let's bicyclists act like idiots in traffic... during the summer you can often see them in groups, next to each other using up the whole road trying to re-enact the tour de france) Also a lot of streets in smaller cities are really narrow so there's a speed limit of 30km/h anyway. Then again, we have a lot less intersections and a lot more roundabouts. I guess this is also why I only ever heard of tests of autonomous driving here on the Autobahn, not in city traffic.
  21. I thought those privacy laws were a lot tamer in most of the US, especially if it comes to filming in public. Apart from that, it would only make sense to have a dashcam in there in order to document what the self driving car is doing. For evidence and research purposes.
  22. It only makes sense MS would want to push their own software. I don't use Windows Mail so I don't really care. What bothers me more is how annoying it has become to change standard apps. Like not even Office can set itself to be the standard apps for its supported file types, you gotta do it all manually as far as I know.
  23. What if the pedestrian/cyclist just stepped right in front of the car? Even if the AI could react much faster than a human, it wouldn't be physically possible to avoid the crash. There's not enough information to conclude anything yet. Do self-driving ubers have dashcams?
  24. That feeling when you own a GTX 970, fat PS3 and a Volkswagen Diesel but live in the EU and don't have class action law suits.