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Everything posted by zacRupnow

  1. I don't know, that hand looks tiny to me. Normal Hand > Linus Size > Vietnamese (Thaaaats Racist!) Size > Trump Size > 6 Year Old Size > The Hand Demoing this Watch Size... Or the hand is normal size and yet insanely infant-like in nature.
  2. Any form of a Subscription Payment is bad, and that seems to be Valves current approach. How about we take a look at this from people who are actually part of the modding community before we all scream 'Nooooo Fuck Valve! All mods should be Free!'
  3. The Music in the video is from the movie Letters from Iwo Jima.
  4. Not Tech News, post this stuff in General Discussion.
  5. So no "GTX 1080 designed for 4k" awwww man, I was so ready for those memes. At least "Geforce X" sounds like "G for Sex" honestly Nvidia...
  6. Crysis 3 still has the best graphics out there. The story is quite good in context, but in practice it is rushed over and not fleshed out, Crysis 2 has a great story. The Multiplayer is awful, the maps are great, the modes are great, but the devs didn't do any balancing at all.
  7. The cost of developing sand and copper into a processor is not comparable to the cost of sourcing parts to make a dock. The cost of making software work on 'sand and copper' is also not comparable to making drivers for that software that make the dock work correctly. That's not to say processors aren't also over priced but it is to say your analogy is the same level of absurd as comparing the pain of dropping a brick on your boot with the pain of childbirth.
  8. I'm not saying it should be cheap, I'm saying that the profit margin is too high on the hardware. It should be $300-350. First launch and Dev cost is supposed to be paid for by sale numbers not by inflated pricing on individual units.
  9. It's not about what it does being worth it. It is about what it is; A PCIE riser, a PSU, and a PCI to USB card. It is just a Dock.
  10. The News Section is more strict on guidelines for posting content. That said, if source said 'Crysis 4 is a thing' then I am very excited!
  11. Thanks, it was in the top with all the formatting tools on the old forum. Ever time I posted a picture link it just appeared so I never even thought to look at that... Derp.
  12. VR roller coaster could have been soooo easy. HD 360 video the ride and hire some good CGI people to add an aircraft battle over the footage. It would remove the game interaction of shooting and make the ride a spectator but it would be way better. Set the phones to stream video from strong wifi at the ride booth and the operator would start the video with the ride.
  13. That's what I think but they might do the updates without saying anything.
  14. SOURCE: http://venturebeat.com/2016/03/09/otoy-breakthrough-lets-game-developers-run-the-best-graphics-software-across-platforms/ I won't pretend to know alot about CUDA but I know it's a big deal for modeling and architecture. I don't know about its application in games. Broad compatibility is always good, and there is not many reasons to need to lock software to hardware outside of the live lighting production world. Now I see a few responses NVIDIA may have. They say nothing. -EDIT- And also do either 3 or 4. They say that Otoy's re-work is an unofficial modification and they will not be responsible for anything going wrong. This is of course obvious but the statement would be meant to denounce or discourage the use of Otoy's CUDA. They update their code to be exclusive again along with their next feature update. They immediately release an update.
  15. This is great, good work. But I don't think it'll win, cause I don't think this is a contest.
  16. Lots did, I did, but the thing with that game was that not all the areas were finished, the VGX trailer and E3 private demos greatness used those areas because those areas were finished. The "Next Gen" consoles dropped on CDPR at the original scheduled end of development (the optimization phase) only they were not "Next Gen" and they had already been developing for them but the hardware couldn't handle as much as the dev software MS/Sony gave out before their consoles released. The expected performance of the consoles was between a GTX 750ti and GTX 960. They either had to pull the conSLOW version completely or not finish the visual environment and stop using real world lighting (fire scene in VGX, night fire lights lad and clouds and is main light source for a mile or so). All that backed by the game actually being good (unlike Ubisoft which games suck and are downgraded to make conslows look better and to get graphics hype at E3) is way CDProjektRed are forgiven, they got tons of backlash, that forgiveness is not a pass. Somehow Ubisoft gets a pass all the time.
  17. That's still way overpriced for the amount of space and the speeds.
  18. WAN show called this one because they were reporting on it from a forum post a week ago.
  19. We all knew it was downgraded for no reason other than platform parity, which is not a valid reason, this video shows just how much.
  20. Tixati is the best program to use, no ads, open source, full bandwidth control.
  21. Be painful how tight they must be on to not fall off a roller coaster with 60mph loops and stuff.
  22. You don't need a password to change how long it takes to autolock, change it to never.