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  1. No doubt we will be getting some leaks soon. I am wondering how much of this they will cover tomorrow since they are streaming on twitch and are having "discussion, gameplay, interviews, and other Pokémon coverage". So it will be interesting if they talk or show some gameplay tomorrow. But thats probably too much to ask for.
  2. Oh I was on the hype train pretty hard with S&M. But glad it was true. But all that wait for no trailer or exact date and a handful of screenshots from development was pretty disappointing.
  3. Its not all bad though. The AI likes to take the shortest and not the fastest route meaning it doesnt use multiple lanes as much as it should which cause all the backups and traffic problems. If they can get a layout that can work great with CS AI then that really is one of the possible worst case scenarios. Its not that bad of an idea at least for a starting point.
  4. Being a Beta feature this should of not been in this driver. But its a legit feature so I have no gripes about it from Nvidia. Still want to know what happens when its ejected. A simple reboot should fix it right?
  5. Pentile doesn't help as even straight lines are rittled with jaggies, but I can even see them on the few 1080 LCDs I tried. But to LCD has nothing on AMOLED.
  6. For me I can see pixels on my Note 3. Thats a 1080 panel on a 5.5" phone. Now I am near sighted so I have to hold things close to see them clearly but I am not talking about touching my nose close. At around 10" away I can blocks on text on curved areas, and at 6" away I can see them quite alot. Its the only reason I want to get the 6P for its 2k resolution. But thats just me. I use my phone a lot for reading and the higher resolution is big for me. It might not be for everyone but apple is just ignorant to say "no one needs anything higher than this"
  7. So far I have been able to get it to work with adapters (DVI,VGA,DP) but havent tried HDMI. If you can pick up a cheap HDMI adapter it should work. But it has no sound pins so you wont get sound.
  8. Somethinig similar to this. http://www.amazon.com/Genuine-Dell-Splitter-Monitor-Numbers/dp/B0051AXERU They are relatively cheap as you can get both DVI and VGA adapters for 16 bucks
  9. Dual DVI port. Common in Dell tower sold to enterprises. Basically you buy an adapter that is just looks like a splitter but is actually two DVI ports. Since 99% of our towers at work have it it makes it convenient for us when swapping towers.
  10. For dust that doesnt come off with air I have an old brush pen that is made for dusting DSLR sensors and lenses. They are cheap easy ways to get dust off quickly.
  11. Technically yes by building a cluster with them. But you cant game on it, mainly used for rendering and non-graphical task.
  12. I have yet to use 8GB of RAM even though I have 16gb. This is with games+browser+music+and even streaming all at once it peaked at like 5.5GB.
  13. I will never go back to multiple displays again after getting my u34. Its just like you said and two monitors without the bezels. Also some monitors have software for special aero snap features.
  14. I have seen issues. Not often but its best just to clean install. And with linux clean installs are effort less with copying over data. Also upgrading is not needed. Even major upgrades offer only a few features and most that wont be noticed. No one needs to clean install every year or 6 months. Even then if its a must that you have to upgrade, its not hard nor time consuming.