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  1. @noodlespinbot Lmao did u rlly believe that ebay link? You 12 or something, also DONT BE DUMB AND BUY FROM SCAM.
  2. @boggy77 @Jurrunio My case is the mb400l and my pc looks bland... Also for Jurrunio (or maybe both), im looking for quietness, if thats a word. I also want it to look good! Any other suggestions that are in my budget are welcomed!
  3. So recently i have been decideing on to fans, these ones silverstone air blazer 120r or the ARCTIC P12 Value Pack. The silverstone one has rgb which i am a big fan of but i am only able to get 2 of those for $40 whilst for the p12s i am able to get them for around $50 in a 5 pack but have to wait until next month? What should i do? Please help, but anyways thankssss! (budget $50 Australian Dollars) Also soz for caps happened after copy and pasting the artic p12 fans
  4. @freeagent Im sorry but i cant have those fans and thanks for replying lol, been waiting for 2 hours straight whilst watching yt. But anyways the reason why i cant have those fans are because my pc is in the living room cause my parents dont trust me with it in my bedroom LOL. I really want rgb since i heard about it but literally every single pc part is black :/. Could please recommend something else and thanks!!!!!!!
  5. @Srijan Verma How to play rtx minecraft on java? I have rtx 2060 super
  6. @Bitter @Ankh tech tips Changed my mind. Could you guys please recommend a 3 pack of QUIET rgb fans for under $50 AUD (Australian Dollars) Thanks
  7. @Ankh tech tipsthese ones https://www.austin.net.au/noctua-nf-f12-pwm-ch-bk-s-120mm-nf-f12-pwm-chromax-black-swap-1500rpm-fan.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwz6_8BRBkEiwA3p02VSTd1m2Mhh7u5Mzx8RLJvFkmyTTAqn3LGCA76z3S7eS5W4nG-HUx5BoCPKgQAvD_BwE\ they look great actually
  8. @Ankh tech tipsare they one of the best performing fans?
  9. @Bitter they are out of stock. I can find some ion stock but they are scaplers wanting per fan $10
  10. I think i wanna get some fans for my pc as it is getting pretty loud. My budget is $50 AUD im willinging to stretch it if it is worth it. Fans must be 120mm as stated in the title, must be black, silver or grey, must be from reputable brand, RGB is a must ONLY not if its not from a brand who dosent make rgb fans, be quiet etc. Okay thats all good luck!
  11. @Rubrix just watch this, i dont think you know vrms, power delivery and etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRRODHoQAHI
  12. @RubrixBecause the vrm and power delivery for that board you want it to weak for a stable 4.5ghz or higher so your wasting money and also if youd ondt care abt overclocking get a decent b460 matx board. get this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0892V3KZH?tag=pcpapi-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1
  13. @SavageNeo If he owns the the 10600k alr i understand but if he hasnt he should wait