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HEYO! Wanted to stop in and say hey. Good to see more people interested in the overclocking hobby!

  1. Gabby Tech

    Gabby Tech

    Hello yes I started reading recently because i want to develop my channel into that direction sick of seeing only man playing with liquid nitrogen 😃🌸

  2. Pickles von Brine

    Pickles von Brine

    Nothing wrong with that! I would checkout  Steve over at Gamer's Nexus and maybe der8auer. Steve does some great live streams that have some good infromation. 

  3. Gabby Tech

    Gabby Tech

    I already follow all of them but sometimes when they go into super deep talk i fall asleep derbauer i have his delidding tool its very handy 

  4. Pickles von Brine

    Pickles von Brine

    I know the feeling. I would also check out extreme overclocking forum as well. They have a lot of good folks over there. Plus here on LTT we got some good folks. 

  5. TVwazhere


    @Gabby Tech I have to watch GN videos at about 1.5x speed in order to not fall asleep 😂 His content is good but his presentation doesnt hold my interest, forcing the info faster helps me stay focused. (Especially since he repeats himself..... A lot)

  6. Gabby Tech

    Gabby Tech

    Yeah 😀 when u feel tensed he can just make you fall asleep 

    i try to be more fun in my videos even though i sound dry sometimes also
