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    Milky Way...oops, I've said too much.
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    Junior Member

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  1. Linus, you have to ask yourself what kind of community you want.
  2. My computer case is always open, because I'm always changing stuff. Also, the top of my case has place for 2 fans, which I'm not making use of. The problem is that I drink a lot near my computer. I'm surprised I haven't spilled anything yet into my computer.
  3. I should be ordering lots of stuff right now. I need a 27" monitor, 2x128GB SSDs, powered speakers/studio monitors, and a smartphone.
  4. Most probably pasta. The buttons haven't popped off my shirt yet. Maybe tonight will be the night.
  5. It's annoying, yet I care about my family, so I want to help them. They use google all day long, yet when they have a computer problem, suddenly something switches off in their brain, and they don't think of using google to find a fix for their problem. It's quite baffling. I'm just worried that if something were to ever happen to me, they would be so screwed. I mean, how could they even choose a computer without my input. I could just see them buying a laptop with a crappy atom processor and then wondering why it's so slow.
  6. How do we prevent Linus from seeing this thread?
  7. Thanks so much. That thing was really annoying me.
  8. Woo hoo. Found the forum. Good luck Linus and Slick. Hope the forum becomes everything you want it to be.