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So should I come to you if I need anime recommendations?

  1. Eschew


    Hm... I can only recommend my favorite list of anime, I'm haven't watched a ton, TBH. 😅

    Are you looking at a specific genre? 👀

  2. Pickles von Brine

    Pickles von Brine

    Just something. Last season was meh personally and this season the godo stuff isn't out till july. I like action, but honestly anything that has a good story and/or good romance or comedy. I am really sleepy. I will have to think on this some more. 

  3. Eschew


    *stares at super dated anime list...*

    *...suggests stuff from the list anyway* 🤷‍♂️

    • Blood+ (4 Seasons, 50 Total Episodes) (2005 - 2006): Action, Dark Fantasy, Suspense. Romance is important to the plot, but the plot doesn't just revolve around romance. It's also super serious, there is like... zero comedy. (Warning: Gore, Sensitive Off-Screen/Implied Content.)
    • Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (2 Seasons, 52 Total Episodes + 5 OVAs) (2005 - 2009): Adventure, Fantasy, Romance. Comedy is sprinkled in here and there when the plot isn't rolling around in fantasy drama.
    • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (1 Season, 27 Episodes) (2007): Adventure, Action, Mecha. Romance is important to the plot, especially in the latter half of the series. As you get deeper and deeper into series, there's less comedy and more drama.
    • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (1 Season, 64 Total Episodes + 4 OVAs) (2009 - 2010): Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Science-Fiction. There is romance, but the plot doesn't revolve around romance.
    • Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront (2 Seasons, 24 Total Episodes + 2 OVAs) (2015 - 2017): Adventure, Urban Fantasy, Science-Fiction. There is romance (or very deep friendship 😜), and it is sort of important to the plot, but the entire series doesn't revolve around romance. Comedy is sprinkled in here and there when the plot isn't busy being TOTALLY AWESOME. (Note: Personal Bias.)

    Not sure what constitutes as "Action," all the above titles do contain fighting scenes though, and they are pretty cool (IMO).


    The only officially "Comedy" genre anime on my favorites list is Himote House, but it targets a super-niche group... which I happen to be in. 😆 I... don't think it fills any other genre? It's literally just Comedy, and it throws a lot of seiyuu-focused inside jokes around. Zero romance in Himote House.

  4. ARikozuM


    That's a lot of blood. 

  5. ARikozuM


    @Pickles - Lord of the Jar Itadaki Seieki is best comedy. 


    I am kidding. Don't look it up. 


  6. ARikozuM


    You poor guy/gal...
