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Everything posted by Kanna

  1. I would not tamper with the PSU since it can be dangerous I would leave the housing on for max security also opening it voids your warranty which is important on a PSU
  2. Yes but like I need recommendations for a standard internal 2.5 HDD but I think I found one already here
  3. Yeah maybe got discontinued since I bought it a few years ago
  4. I mean there is better much better and more fitting than this but I really like the Asus cerebus has multimedia keys too and 2 color led it work for me as a spare KB it has numpad tho which you didn't want
  5. I’m not buying a portable, they must sell internal 2.5 drives right?
  6. Why TF would WD do that kinda bad move imagine selling a drive some customer is going to put in a laptop for secondary to then find out it’s not a sata drive but something else
  7. Kanna

    Today is My birthday yey! And @sub68hasn't Said…

    It apparently is some privacy law or sum in Canada so ye I have to be over 18 to tell age (it’s in the privacy thing of the forum)
  8. Would this work? https://www.webhallen.com/se/product/253766-Seagate-Barracuda-1TB-SATA-2-5-5400rpm-128Mb-ST1000LM048?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1PSDBhDbARIsAPeTqrdlaN2aRioRRIoH2GXCvivTF2wEfahWpI1cJMC9UsY2DHruk3Kp5iEaAuyvEALw_wcB
  9. I’m going to be putting the drive in a custom external shell and then buy a 2.5 adapter
  10. 3.5 in drives won’t fit, yes barebone 2.5 is what I want
  11. So how do I know what externals I can take apart? also I want HDD since I want to save money
  12. Just got worried af that I might have to buy a new 4TB drive because the one I have is a seagate THAT THING COSTED ME LOT

    1. Murasaki


      Just a brand alone won't say when YOUR exact drive will fail and if it will at all during its lifespan as a main. I check my drives' smart values with CrystalDiskInfo, scans with HDTune from time to time and do backups. This process would remain the same regardless of what brand I chose. Take care of your data and seldomly check your drives health so you don't have to worry about a thing!

  13. So 1 that video is before the like patch to load faster and it’s 5400RPM HDD if I got a one I would get a 7200RPM (not big difference but still)
  14. You made me worried af right now as I have a 4TB seagate in my PC rn
  15. It takes no more than 1 minute to load online for me Hmm maybe but idk if it’s worth 1000kr to load games maybe 10 sec faster
  16. I play no games on that chart I play more GTA V and cod games Does that SSD have dram cache? Also my PC will already have a pretty big SSD
  17. Well I don’t insist in HDD but I really don’t want to shell out so much on a SSD, I’m sweating now since my PC has a 4TB seagate
  18. I have seen comparisons and the xbox one doesn’t seem to be optimized for it resulting in not so big change also I don’t want to pay so much for an SSD but it’s so much more in cost
  19. Would the xbox one really get a boost with an SSD tho? Edit : a SSD on 1TB is 700KR more Mind reading the post again
  20. I mean that would solve my problem except that I will have a junk enclosure just lying
  21. I’m looking for a 2.5 1TB HDD that I will be using in a custom external enclosure with my xbox one could someone help me find a good one that will last me long and isn’t too loud / vibrating, I live in Sweden so preferably something that is sold here
  22. Kanna

    Today is My birthday yey! And @sub68hasn't Said…

    It actually is, warzone is actually playable on my PC Didn't know that
  23. Kanna

    Happy birthday

    It says happy birthday in Swedish