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About silicon_lottery

  • Birthday Mar 01, 2004

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    4.2 GHz
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    PCs, computers, technology, gaming, coding.
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    Joined LTT Forums on February 8, 2020. Pretty cool, to say the least.
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  1. In my Dad's office, there is an iMac from mid-2009. I want to connect it to the internet and Amazon Photos so that I can digitize all the photos from the Mac. Once they're all in Amazon Photos, there's no real purpose for the Mac any more. I was going to consider erasing the entire thing and running Ubuntu/Linux Mint on it, but I could also just run them from a virtual machine and leave the Mac as it is. I know that old Macs can handle Linux without breaking a sweat, but is it something I should really do? Or should I do something else?
  2. Turns out, against medical advice, someone at Dartmouth was socializing with others instead of obeying his self-quarantine. Guess what the COVID-19 test result came back as. I'll wait. Source
  3. AMD Athlon? That's a digital dinosaur . It's an old CPU but it should work fine. However, echoing Aimi's point, we need to know what you want to do. If it's just general web-browsing, the Athlon may be a good choice. If you want to game, however... you're better off using higher spec parts. PCPartPicker is a great site for making partlists.
  4. That spike in South Korea... it doesn't even seem real.
  5. Thank you for your input! ? I won't bother with opening it up, I'll leave that to the pros. A quick Google search shows that my PSU has a 5-year warranty, so I'll RMA it. The PSU is discontinued by SeaSonic, however, so I may also consider getting a new one. In any case, both of these methods mean that I'll have to unplug every cable and record which ones were unplugged. Right now, I don't have access to the manual or warranty documents yet. I did save them, so I should be able to get them once I return home. I'll post a detailed update once I'm home. Once again, thank you!
  6. I built a PC in South Korea, in October 2017. This is a PCPartPicker link to all the specifications. I built it successfully and was able to play it from 2017 until late 2019, when me and my family had to move away to India. I should mention that South Korea uses 110 volts AC, and India uses 220. So when I plugged the PC in directly, the lights flickered on and it worked for two seconds, then pop! Everything shut off. The PC had killed the power to the whole house! We had to call an electrician to reset the power, and then we pretended like it had never happened. We bought a new power cord to replace the old one, and yesterday, attempted to turn it back on. We put the new power cord in through a surge protector and nothing happened - the PC didn't turn on. I believe the power supply was fried (even though it was rated from 100-240 V AC). Should I do a paperclip test or just pay to replace it? For info, my power supply is a SeaSonic G 550 W, link here: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/DPCwrH/seasonic-power-supply-ssr550rm. Paperclip test or declare it DOA and get a new one? It wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world, but it would just be annoying.
  7. Cool stuff, especially the H100i! I've never tried liquid cooling, mostly because I'm unusually paranoid of the possibility of a leak. Whenever I try and experiment with liquid cooling, my brain gives me this equation: Good luck with your build.
  8. Underclocking? That's a new issue. I wonder if you should bump the base clock up to compensate (basically, a very slow overclocking.) However, this isn't something I'm experienced with, so you may want to wait for another forum user to weigh in. Good luck solving your GPU issue.
  9. No problem, I love helping other people out. As for PUBG and Skyrim, a quick Google search shows that you can get an average of 79 fps on PUBG. Overall, most games will give you an average of 100 fps. So you'll definitely be fine.
  10. Well, you're in luck. Even a toaster can run League. Maybe not a toaster, but my 2010 Macbook Pro could run it at 45 fps. I played League on it fine. So your computer will be fine. (Not least because it uses hardware which is ten years more advanced.)
  11. Yes. That will definitely be able to stream/game. You probably won't even have to worry about bad framerates for the next few years - the hardware you picked is top-notch.
  12. Can we have a bit more information? What are you trying to find out?
  13. A Limerick to Liquid Cooling

    When I found out about liquid cooling,

    "It was cool!" But who was I fooling?

    Because if there's a leak,

    A crack and a creak,

    in my PC the liquid's pooling.
