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  1. Correct, those were jis (identified by the dots), pozidrive is mostly an european thing
  2. You should never stand this close to a robot arm while it is powered on, it can seriously harm you or even kill you in a blink of an eye. Safety first guys.
  3. Did you even read the first link you posted? They also say that dp 1.4 can run 4k240. Second link is just some clueless anons on reddit. Third link didn't say anything about dsc on 1.4 so a bit misleading. But whatever your links say, fact is that samsung g8 runs at 4k240, 10bit 444 on dp 1.4. so draw your own conclusions on who is lying or not. Dsc on dp 1.4 can boost bandwidth by three times which is more than enough for these resolutions.
  4. Yeah that is the exact problem like I wrote, they put wrong information in video and now it is spreading on the internet like a plague. They are an authority and they should have better qc for their content.
  5. You didn't read well, I wrote 4:4:4, that is full chroma, without any subsampling. So 4k, 240hz, 444, 10bit, hdr. All on dp 1.4. Those monitors don't even support dp 2.0!
  6. Not really, they kind of messed up this whole section. Dp 1.4 can run 4k240 (10bit 4:4:4) and that is how Samsung G8 (which they actually used as an example) runs. They have so much employees, someone should really fact check these big launch reviews because now this misinformation is being peddled all over reddit.
  7. Oh yeah kspot is probably the best copy of my welder A bit expensive if you only make a pack or two, but it has a lot of neat features. Downside is that those features make it less reliable. But I like to see the progress in this field, battery repair is imho very important but also potentially very dangerous as there are not many resources and it can go very wrong if you make a mistake. I wanted to make this job more accessible with welder that makes much better welds than chinese transformer based welders that were sold back then (2014-2015). If anyone is interested or wants to know more, here are some resources: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=68005 And my old spot welder that I open sourced since I stopped selling it: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=102681 It as all the drawings you need (even for electrodes), it is dual pulse and it only requires 12v car battery in 45-110ah range and regular barrel plug 12vdc adapter.
  8. There are ways around this: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=88051 Also VRUZEND kit which is not that good but works for some applications.
  9. Well, as someone who made battery powered welders semi-professionally (JP spot welder, one that is being copied now by lot of folks), I can tell you that spot welder you used in the video sucked balls big time. You can see it by the naked eye, it lacks welding current and has too long pulse so it just melts the material, and it can go through the cell which is very dangerous. You need something in range of 1500-2500A for 5-10ms for a nice, high quality weld. And without that you shouldn't even try to do this. Also, the welding electrodes you used were also very bad, to thin and dull and they get eaten away really quickly.
  10. Well, considering 5950x gets higher score on aio... This isn't really impressive for intel. Comparing this to 2990wx is a bit not fair imho.
  11. There are a few 3090 dual slot blower models. but they are loud, mostly for server use.
  12. In reality, big miners will write their own drivers and they will mine with rtx3060 (which they probably won't share), while gamers won't be able to, which is lose-lose situation in the end.
  13. Also let's not forget what happened to NV after the last crypto crash, they are just trying to cover their ass this time.
  14. Maybe, but NV can be especially anti-consumer. Not everything is relative.