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Everything posted by FratStar

  1. The NES classic was also "sold out" everyone but they shipped so little.
  2. ^This, thanks for adding to my point. Like I've been saying AMDs biggest battle will be to show Microsoft the value of making those OS optimizations for their CPUs
  3. True, I've gone as far as game engines, not OS development. I'd have to reach out to a SME from Microsoft if I really wanted to find out which I may very well try to do.
  4. Barnacules would like to have a word with him in that case. You know the ex-SDET from Microsoft lol. Unfortunately I don't know any devs at MS only consultants and architects. That also doesn't make sense because that would mean Kaby Lake would officially support Windows 7. While it will run if there are any kind or errors that are cause you know by the interaction of the OS and CPU it's not going to get fixed since only Microsoft can fix those types of issues with the help either AMD, Intel, NV or whomever. Do people just think AMD goes and says hey change this back end piece of windows and it'll work. What if it that change causes blue screens on intel. That argument literally makes no sense.
  5. I agree people seem to forget the issues x99 had upon release too. It's crazy and people don't understand that devs actually do optimize for specific cpu architectures software has to catch up to the hardware especially with the way games are programmed it's so fundamentally different that the workstation based work loads. I've literally seen in game engines: IF(AMD_CPU){ //this is for amd cpus Do This } ELSE { insert different code to produce same result here //this is for intel cpus } But the hardest part is that AMD will need to acquire vendor support from MIcrosoft and they are in bed with Intel and Nvidia getting Microsoft to dedicate resources to make kernel level changes won't be easy to do, and the amount of testing it'll take before rolling that out will be at least 6 months down the line honestly.
  6. Do you really expect people to have a proper objective outlook on this? In another thread people were talking about how AMD could have possibly send "golden samples" Since they were chips used in the press builds even though they were taking from the retail pool. Ryzen is pretty much exactly where it should have been performance with with multi threading and even in the single threaded productivity performance it's right where it should be. There are a few benchmarks (non gaming) where it gets its ass handed to it, but for the most part it keeps up with intel's top offerings, Sans-6950X. There are improvements that can be made and features that can come down the pipeline as Zen as whole matures.
  7. Yes I've done a small bit of game engine modification myself. Jumping into the source code of id tech engines, source, etc. The code detects the cpu brand and run specific operations and code to do the same thing and it may be faster for. Intel or AMD, but they yield the same/similar results.
  8. This is basically Apple saying "Wait for the new Mac Pro we are working on it guise!"
  9. More than likely some kind of rubber washer that worked with the size of the screw. You may run the risk of damaging the MOBO if you got with metal.
  10. And you're in NJ which isn't much cheaper either tbh. I have a few friends in Silicon Valley making like 80-90k and they are doing just fine out there so I'm taking this article with a truck load of salt. It is more than just living expenses.
  11. You totally misunderstood my entire point. It is very far-fetched to risk your corporate integrity pretty much on your deathbed since you've been bleeding money for over 10+ years. Just to get good reviews because you picked out golden samples then risk, misleading customers is the fastest way to lose in court. Also notice I said for AMD's operating income something like that is just not worth it. Paying people to do something dishonest like that is a waste of time and money when your back is against they wall , it's just bad business. Why would they open themselves up to: A. A lawsuit B. People post the pre-order season not purchasing the product C. People not having trust in the Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 3 processors due to them royally screwing up with Ryzen 7 D. Losing consumer trust before launching Naples. They need HPE, Dell, and Lenovo to adopt test and validate the product. What do you think would happen if they see that they processors have been misrepresented. They wouldn't even want to do PoC testing on Naples at that point Like I said there's a very thin line between heavy skepticism and tin foil hats. Any one that has even a slight understanding of how business relationships work between partners, JVs, suppliers, etc. Understands that even suggesting something like that is a reach. It's unlikely, period get over it.
  12. Top comment is now I don't think it will be as bad as you think honestly I know there's a lot of hype shoot I even have a Ryzen 1700X on order. I (and a lot of other people interested in CPUs) already know based on the architecture Ryzen will be lacking in things like AVX workloads among a few other things they skimped on. I don't think it'll be so bad tomorrow.
  13. The amount of money it would cost any business to produce chips then test each one then overclock them to make sure it's a golden sample, and finally send it out to reviewers would be astronomical. Especially since they are send quite a few samples out to reviewers. It is very hard to believe that they could afford to do that with their current operating income. These conspiracy theories are just ridiculous. Now do I believe it can be done, yes. Is it so likely to have been done that you can't trust any reviewer that was sent a sample, you are out of your mind if you think that. There's a thin line between healthy skepticism and tin foil hat. Ultimately they are selling a product, but why would they risk it all on their last lifeline people? That's literally the worst tactic in a situation like that.
  14. As a person who preordered I'm struggling to find the fucks I'm supposed to give. I'm running 2x16 2800 ram I think so I don't even care that much.
  15. But didn't we know this already since they moved away from the Tick Tock cycle?
  16. Colgate Palmolive still uses AIX heavily so I don't foresee it dying when companies that big are still on board.
  17. At least in my experience windows 10 doesn't allow programs to automate it unless you explicitly run the installer as admin. I would pick file extensions to associate media play classic to through the installer and it never worked, Notepad++ was the same issue, Windows 7 and 8.1 it was never an issue it just worked.
  18. The kinda do that here in the US already it's just they go to jail and get put to work.
  19. Took the words right out of my mouth. The only card that is for sale right now that can do proper 4k gaming is the Titan X(P) and that card literally is over the $1000 limit for one component. Pretty sure digital foundry covered this like forever ago.
  20. BMW lost it many years ago. It's so sad their cars are like worthless in my eyes.
  21. I doesn't seem to have a disc drive so it might be coming from Nintendo's online store.