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About Nancomerian

  • Birthday Feb 16, 1988

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  • Location
    Belgrade, Serbia
  • Occupation
    Web Developer

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  1. Using my old razer deathstalker since I love thin keyboards, but due to it being a membrane I need this one to make the transition to mechanical ones!
  2. Vessel: Nanco video1: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy video 2: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0
  3. Gratz on million subscribers, and for all progress you have made in these past few years. It is always amazing to see people take a leap of faith for something that matters, and they succeed in that. Your videos have proven to be quite useful for amateurs as well as in professionals. Tho now that you have mentioned food, it would be quite fun to see that kitchen used for cookout challenge inside the team. anyway, once again congrats on success and gl hf
  4. yea I presumed as much only thing that bugged me was that on checkout page, credit & coupon said 5$ max applicable. but thanks for reply!
  5. Should I smelt 300i and then add few bucks for Gladius? Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm... That is possible to add additional money for ship that is more expensive than one smelting?
  6. looks amazing, tho 120e is much, was expecting it to be around 80ish. Tho I can totally see group of mercs with few of those bad boys making trouble.
  7. Yea that is pretty same as guys on chat said. I did not have enough time to play due to work and uni last week, but I have pulled around 13th wave multiple times with no ease and only dying because I would suicide in most retarded way possible. Tho it has required to have some tight turns and dodges of missiles on few occasions. I did not have chance to try the hornet, but as I have gathered some info about it, it seems it is much more heavy while 300i is just plain, glass cannon. I personally like the ideology but I guess some balance changes are coming up.
  8. I am running with default one for 300i. It works pretty good for now.
  9. Actually really awesome idea, tho as Caito said, other branches might not need DFS as much as military/mercs but it will sure come in handy!
  10. This will be amazing, also twitch streams would be amazing. I completely agree with you man, and I am totally up for it.
  11. Only thing that worries me about VR headsets is position of my keyboard, since I will mainly use HOTAS but as I figured out some of the biding would be useful to have on keyboard, miss clicking is very annoying, and since you can't see it could be a problem.
  12. If you like Connie, just go for it. As many people have already said you will get a hornet until newer versions. Tho glad to see more of new players joining in!
  13. That is sad to hear, I would like to get my hands on new F8, and possibly some of it's variants :// What do you think about it btw?
  14. I kinda feel bad for four horseman, since their ship was done the mostly. Tho I am hoping allot of people will vote for them, so I can save my personal favorite, 3Dingo's ship