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  1. It's actually pretty terrible. I've been paying for YouTube Premium for years. Late last night was the first time I've seen the paid experience get affected. I've also been using Adblock (the getadblock.com variety). It's been ol' faithful for many, many years. The only thing that would resolve the behaviors I was experiencing was to pause adblock on YouTube. I flipped back n' forth pausing and unpausing adblock, and was able to verify that it was indeed adblock running that was affecting it. No other sites or services was being affected. Page loads, button hovers/clicks, video loading, scrubbing, changing video quality, hovering over videos for preview, all of that was pretty borked. It's quite agitating when even as a paying user, I'm given a worse experience. I took some recordings of the behavior last night. Might have to cut it and post it. inb4 firefox inb4 uBlock Origin inb4 sail the seven seas
  2. Yeah I specifically went to the description to find this myself and was surprised to not see it. @jakkuh_t
  3. Yeah, that kind of a reaction video is gonna be a no for me there bud.
  4. Just a heads-up: Linus has taken this as a learning moment. I'm not sure I can 100% buy the fact he didn't know about helmets, given that he's only a few years older than I am and my prior comment clarifying the helmet thing (unless "suburban" Canadian schools are different than here in the US by a significant amount in that regard). But, he's at least learned and has actioned that hey, he probably shouldn't say stuff like that.
  5. To clarify the helmet thing, helmets are often to help shape the skull or protect softer skulls of some babies. Down the road, helmets may be worn by those with "special needs" who are more likely to sustain injury (either from behavior or from motor control issues), and also those prone to seizures where having a seizure can result in injury to oneself just simply due to collapsing and hitting your head on something (including the ground). At least in schools in larger cities, it's not uncommon for kids and teens to be exposed to special needs students that have to wear a helmet for whatever the reason may be (this was even true through high school for myself, where there were special needs students wearing helmets regularly). The connection between autism/special needs and helmets is obviously made by then, and then continues on to videos like this one . Hence, helmets+special needs.
  6. Offensive statements aside, it' really just one of those "big oof" things. Like, really Linus? Autism jokes? A couple months ago he deleted a retweet because the person he retweeted was racist. It's hard to know when someone is crossing the line, when the line is a bunch of scribbles. Again, offensive statement aside, this is just out of character for public Linus. He's dipped his toes into the memes a bit hard. It's one thing to joke about stuff with Luke or friends, but his public statements not only affect himself LTT as a business, and the rest of his employees. He's not yet at the point where he's Elon and can just yolo say anything. Or is he? He's just getting more and more out of his old norm.
  7. Certainly. The thing is, customers do not care that this is how logistics works. Delays and issues in a massive logistics chain happen. But, when the expectations have been set to create the new customer-facing norm (in the form of fantastic ship times and reliability), there is a reasonable expectation of a notification of issues. And it's ultimately not that hard for Newegg to send out an email to anyone with an existing order. At minimum, it would probably be an export from their shipping system and and import in to their email system. At most, it would be a series of API calls, which Newegg certainly has the capacity for. They don't even have to narrow down to orders affected, just any outstanding or recent orders within a timeframe, to say "Hey, you may have heard that even more than normal, we're experiencing shipping delays up to 1 week. Here's where you can find more information about the status of your order... <insert useful info here>". This sort of notification is extremely reasonable and simply is part of running this type of business. It's normal for the holiday season, but it's atypical to begin occurring so early around Thanksgiving with delays of one day or more. We can all pretty reasonably understand the reason (there's a pandemic, yo) that's causing everyone to order the vast majority of their purchases instead of shopping in-person. But, these sort of notifications are still extremely reasonable for any sort of customer.
  8. Quick update on my order: It appears to have finally been picked up by UPS 5 days after the initial order (3 day additional delay to normal 2-day order processing). That's not the worst, considering. It would still be nice to have been notified of issues though. I did check, and they added a small alert at checkout regarding delays. This is at least something, so they seem to be at least trying some small bit of communication now that people were complaining about it.
  9. I'm blaming Newegg for the lack of communication. This isn't something that we should be learning from the news and news only. The only thing on Newegg's website is the default holiday warning saying that stuff may be delayed a couple days and to order by X date to get it before Y date. There's absolutely zero caution that your items may be delayed by weeks. This is something that Newegg needs to communicate forward to its customers, particularly those with packages waiting to be picked up or for people who are still making purchases not knowing about this whole fiasco. Newegg isn't just some small retailer either. Their distribution centers will have multiple scheduled pickups each day. They wouldn't last more than a few hours before someone goes "Hey, UPS hasn't picked up yet..." before things start piling up around their dock. The fact we're days into this fiasco with no communication from Newegg treating this like everything is situation normal is pretty piss poor in making sure all parties involved is aware. Yes, like I said, UPS is at fault, but it's Newegg's job to let their customers know in a timely manner.
  10. I'm caught up in this as well. I ordered a prebuilt for my father to ship straight to him (easier than finding the parts right now, and I'll just upgrade the RAM when I visit him next, so yolo). Ordered on the 30th, and it was expecting to arrive on or around the 9th, but for the past couple days it's been stuck at "Label Created" for days now. What's worse, is that Newegg completely failed to notify customers of any current shipping issues. I had to find out about this by stumbling across it in the news. Also worse, is that Newegg's order status reflects "In Transit" despite the fact it's probably sitting on the loading dock somewhere at most. But if you click into their tracking page, it says "Label Created". Oh, and you know what the rep on Twitter had to say about it? "Make sure to sign up for UPS My Choice at http://UPS.com as a way to get notifications on the latest updates on your order. " As if it's UPS's job to inform their customers that stuff isn't getting shipped. Yes, UPS is at fault here, but Newegg simply failed in communicating the issue at all.
  11. No actually, I'm not saying that at all. It is correct, that the decision is up to the consumer. Like I said in a prior reply, the technology is actually pretty great. In fact, it boldly sucks that Facebook is now in control of it doing shady things with it, reducing the likelihood that a good number of people will be willing to use it as a result (myself included). Yes, it probably meant Oculus now has some fun money to use in R&D, but at what ultimate cost? Well, the identity of the brand and a faltering respect for the business. Like any product, I would urge consumers to use best judgement in their decisions. But that's NOT what this is about. This is about LTT's presentation of the product with a lack of depth on a major known controversy surrounding Oculus and Facebook, as well as being downright dismissive about it. This behavior is greatly outside of the norm from LTT, who historically have stood up when it comes to privacy issues and has been extremely reputable with sponsorships/partnerships. A great example of this is as I reference a few times already with TunnelBear's acquisition by McAfee. LTT parted ways nearly immediately with TunnelBear as a result. Linus and other LTT staff have also even complained on the WAN Show and elsewhere about the Facebook account requirement and shared concerns about it. Being super dismissive of the issue during sponsored content and then failing to address it in the depth it deserves whilst being dismissive of criticism of not doing so is ultimately the issue here.
  12. While all of that is true, there's also the question that should have been asked of "Should I accept this sponsored video deal?". There's obviously going to be monetary benefit that has to make it worth them, but like my prior replies, this is out of the norm. LTT has accepted not one, but two video sponsorships (Short Circuit + LTT) from Facebook for this, and they should have been able to read the room that people are going to be incredibly agitated with this fact. And honestly, that would typically be "fine". The issue is simply glossing over and dismissing the Facebook controversy with little more than a mention. They should have known to tread carefully. And really, it probably broke down to them missing out on covering Quest 2 content until they could purchase one, since I doubt they would have been sent one without agreeing to the full #OculusPartner nonsense that gets stipulated in these agreement. But when the reaction to people disliking these videos is to go on the defensive and be simply dismissive, it makes the whole sponsorship that much worse. It's just a major misstep, followed by another.
  13. Kinda like my prior comment said, "All I'm saying is, this content does not feel like the norm from LTT.", and Linus's reaction is further indication on this. I do hope he's okay, with taking so much flak when it comes to questioning his wording. It's still ultimately an integrity issue of the video itself. He also has to understand that questioning these videos does not turn me into a "hater". He's treating it like a black & white situation and become overtly defensive as a result. And his reaction is making things so much worse. For example, his reaction to these agitated tweets of mine (along with that @crazzp fellow opting to comment wildly about slapping VPNs on things, which is ironic because like I said in my last post, LTT stopped partnering with TunnelBear because of PRIVACY ISSUES with being acquired by McAfee lmao): (Text continues after image) (Note: I also linked to my forum comment on this here which more fully explained my thoughts, because Twitter is a bad mode for complete thoughts) No Linus, I didn't mishear you. Being defensive is understandable and human. Being downright dismissive of complaint is not reasonable. And this constant defensive language on WAN was downright dismissive, and didn't even tackle the bulk of the issues. I care not if the video was labeled review or showcase. The content speaks for itself, and I do quite honestly feel it's "fine". The videos were appropriately disclosed, as they always have been. The issue is how downright lopsided it is to not stick to their guns about privacy issues or how bad the Facebook account requirement truly is. Instead of accurately covering the controversy and poor practices of Facebook/Oculus, we instead were, again, having our concerns and opinions dismissed. This isn't your run of the mill drama - this is direct criticism over these particular videos. And no, I'm not going to suddenly stop watching LTT because of two agitating videos and a WAN show. I've been watching LTT content for many many years. At the time of those videos, I still had yet another order of LTT merch (because the merch is actually pretty good). I received the other day, a second stealth hoodie, and have the dbrand skin and grip case on the way (Anthony edition though, sorry Linus edition). I have a LTT water bottle within reach, my T-shirt collection continues to grow, recently adding the keyboard shirt (in blue, because blue looked sweet). I'm perfectly okay supporting LTT by purchasing merch I'm happy to wear because it's decent merch made by decent people who believe in what they're producing. I'm Floatplane Beta still, LTT forum premium (or whatever it was called back then), and YouTube Premium, to best support content creators I enjoy and say thank you for the content I consume. So do try to believe me when I say with relative experience that, "All I'm saying is, this content does not feel like the norm from LTT.".