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  1. There is a news item about Framework, and it aint so good https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/frameworks-software-and-firmware-have-been-a-mess-but-its-working-on-them/ Framework has made a statement here: On a slightly more positive note, I contacted the person who was posting about recieving the broken Framework laptop: https://mastodon.social/@migy@chaos.social/111265509436439393 That was NOT Intel boot guard locked. and would like to port Coreboot onto (this is ofcourse different from the Chromebook version, as the hardware slightly differs) He was apparently a bit sick, dint put a presentation at past events and may do so still in the future: https://mastodon.social/@migy@chaos.social/112230204672516804 So yeah, community is a bit sad, frustrated. But Im hopefull, both for a normal Bios stable release (3.08 being stabe, but called beta) and possibly Coreboot in the future? Please do a piece on this situation, they ARE hiring a firmware person: https://jobs.lever.co/framework/36bcbf61-332d-4ab8-8c6d-20fffa1ef506 maybe worth pointing out for anyone intrested (also in teipei, 2 job offerings for this) but also unlikely for the unskilled people.Fearly sure you guys can find the firmware threads on the community pages, I get sad (ive posted tons, hope to have spread positivity). Talk to Patel, I dont need to be credited. I own a Framework laptop. Be honest and im hopefull for the future.
  2. for now i posted a warning for my friends and family about this. and some contact details where to find me. I yeeted the apps from my phone (was already short on space) tiktok got yeeted earlier cause my ESET antivirus warned about it being able to install tojans. MORE space yeey to temporarily use FB, https://mbasic.facebook.com is facebook without javascript (love that idea already). not sure how long that would work. but its also a nice trigger to say goodbye to FB and Instagram (i used insta way more). the coolest family members dont use any of these anyway (they stopped posting on tiktok) its Discord or snapchat/whatsapp for the zoomers.
  3. https://community.frame.work/t/12th-gen-intel-core-bios-3-06-beta/25726/370?u=codeasm I read they planned on this beta to become release but ran into issues. and yes, their partner was working on this. allocation of limited resources like human hours and humans in general (often not even theirs, but from the partner). the outcry does seem to have sparked more openess and a somewhat more idea of what to expect in the next months. sure sad it took so long, but like Linus media group, larger than a one guy shop, smaller then the big players. They will get there.
  4. im also on there and maybe a bit of a fan. But I see the firmware issues, really hoping they get help and resources to fully develop these updates. the beta is supposed to add the thunderbolt support officially, it also is supposed to work already for some docks and modules. The negative comments over there just spiral down and they even had to lock the thread originally (some idiot spammed curse words due to lack of updates) so im glad its open again and some updates did come. sadly its still a slow one. I dont have a thunderbolt 4 device to test either old or new firmware but if there wasnt a intel bootguard, id have tried porting coreboot myself. What issues do you see with your USB? I havent, well, unless we count the ejecting procedure not always as easy (press the button and pull)and maybe i have issues with devices not always show up due to me using Arch linux and have updated the kernel (a reboot fixed it). Guess its more like a thinker laptop then normal consumers still. The tiny wire wasnt easy to solder. now have to flash the new firmware and beta firmware to see if my power standby issues appear less often. (I also always have issues with other hardware, so I blame electronics to be scared of me)
  5. Ive had issues with a fan, send a video (actually, i posted a hidden YT video, cause email doesnt like large MP4 files) and they shipped me a fan replacement for free. positive support experience sofar. (i first was asked to do a little cleaning, and I tried, but the little bit of dust that would maybe be there, dint make a difference once removed). They did post in the thread about the beta firmware there where issues with the update method, especially for would be version 3.07 that they internally test. I hope they continue to work on this (cant Linus help them somehow? by allocating testers with some skills?)
  6. Im getting tired of the negativity. cant we just have a small update?
  7. On twitter, posting sh1ts. refreshing the frame.work page for that sweet anounchement they promissed
  8. would have been funny, sadly they would have to port xbmc to a even more dificult to get SDK. I know its a funny joke, but ive actually seen it asked before. For the Alpha kits, I think 2 SDK versions where "leaked"? non of the "retail" SDK can compile (normally) for the Alpha, so you need to backport any lib, any code and hope any of the multimedia stuff would function under Alpha code. Or.... get the PC build of XBMC (what now is called Kodi) on the windows 2000 (or XP, xp works on the VC820 aswell). small problem youll run into with trying any retail games besides the alpha hardware not doing any region checks, the executable is slightly a different format, a bit more like regual windows EXE then Xbox XBE.
  9. My linux kernel attempt for the playstation 1 isnt working right yet... but im havving fun trying to recreate the Memory unit layout sofar... now getting a correct filesystem (EXT2 on MSDOS partion?)


  10. The boot splash from your Alpha can still be seen I think. put a original xbox gamedisk in a dvd player or pc and the animation shown there was the original intended bootsplash by the designer. the xbox sparkly swipe ends and then a message pops up. (newer games might just show the message) some pictures of early design docs here: https://setonkim.com/xboxdashboard maybe you reconize? And that Powermac is so cool, with the right Powermac, you can perfectly recreate the alphakit Im going to flash my ATI FireGL X3-256 with a XT800 firmware for mac, to just recreate an Alpha Xenon 360 (@TannerMcCoolman new video idea? )
  11. Get you soundcard from https://dirtypcbs.com/store/designer/details/7953/6510/wm9701-zip or recreate it yourself https://github.com/CodeAsm/AlphaSound/blob/main/Documents/WM9707AMR.pdf (No no completed KiCad/eagle files from me, only the pdf) Please, if you do, like N64Freak, share your KiCad/Eagle files or atleas the gerber files. I planned to do so, but N64Freak was ahead of me, and started selling his. And then offered the top option with dirtypcb (and not sharing the gerber files and he doesnt really like the scene anymore. which I understand) If you like to know more, or need help diagnosing yours join the Xbox discords im probably in (and way more knowledgeable people are there) or check https://xboxdevwiki.net/Development_Kits#Franken_Alpha (ive tried making mistakes and documenting how to fix.) A PC with a serialport to WinDebug the Xbox alpha would really help you diagnosing your franken alpha. You dont need the audio card for the main dashboard to boot. Games, they may, need the audio card. The USB card isnt needed to boot the recovery iso, but you cannot press any controller buttons. but handy if you have only the Mobo, ram, cpu and videocard. The BOM for the audio card is this I think, (the bracket isnt really needed): 7 0.1uF 1608 C15, C27, C32, C40, C43, C45, C50 1 0.33uF 1608 C51 2 2.2uF 1608 C28, C35 5 10uF 1608 C6, C38, C49, C52, C53 2 22pF 1608 C33, C34 2 220pF 1608 C30, C37 1 0R 2012 L2 2 49R9 1608 R32, R57 2 220R 1608 R33, R36 2 47K 1608 R34, R37 1 10K 1608 R45 1 WM9703 TQFP U1 1 MC78L05ACD U3 1 NC7SZ66 SOT23-5 U4 1 24.576MHz X1 1 3.5mm Jack J9 1 3 pin header J15 1608 is Imperial, or 0805 Metric. I would hope you donate money to Borman18, from PtoPOnline and the museum he now works https://www.museumofplay.org/blog/author/andrew-borman/ Why? well, he gotten some of these prototype games, and after a donation run (I donated too) he shared them. And made wonderfull handy pictures for us to deduce what to do or how to make these franken alphas to work. I would especially love it, when you find some donation fundraiser for a prototype game to be released and chim in. cause thats what I do aswell, and its how I got my recovery disk for my franken alpha. lets release these babies and also maybe help former devs get some money for their old work (some of them sell their old stuff). I know, long text. Thanks linus for the awesome video. altho I kinda disagree on the powerfullness of the PC, remember the date it got made? AAnyway, great video, and YES, for sure MS learned tons about security, DRM and hackers thanks to this early xbox. Remmeber folks, anything on the OG xbox runs in Ring0, 1 exploit, no jail to escape, your already root XD Grab this free XBox hacking book by Bunnie Huang, THE early xbox hacker https://nostarch.com/xboxfree Ok im done infodumping for now. have a wonderful day.
  12. This is Xbox one hardware? intresting Those certificates are stored on the drive i asume, arent those encrypted?
  13. Someday ill get My "franken" xbox alpha working again 😄


    Probably the motherboard doesnt like the case its in now or some other fault. I should test regular windows 2000 or XP again to make sure its not hardware related.

    over at: https://xboxdevwiki.net/Development_Kits#Franken_Alpha I had writen down possible faults you can read over serial, I actually helped myself there and some other friends. taking pictures also help. the above image confirms the right location for parts
