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i'm addicted to tic tacs now, send help

  1. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    I chew a lot of stride gum, and just stride gum. I buy them in the ten pack containers ? and they usually last me a little less than a month ?

  2. Nocte


    They are lassative if taken in large quantities though lol

  3. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    I remember the sugar free haribo gummy bears doing that ?


  4. soldier_ph


    There's sitting a half eaten pack of Coca Cola flavoured tic tacs on my desk rn and I haven't touched them in a while...


    *chugs the last tic tacs down*


    Oh nevermind, they're all gone now.

  5. Cyberspirit


    I'm on my way. I'll eat them before you could. xD

  6. Gegger


    i was eating orange, finished it in 1 hour : p 

  7. Gegger




    /find sleep


    Sleep not found.

  8. Gegger


    not you apparently at 2:09 am

  9. RoseLuck462


    The orange ones are the best!!!!!1
