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Everything posted by fuzedzn

  1. Sorry about that.... I looked briefly to see if it was posted but didn't find anything.. Sorry
  2. Are we too dependent on google? How often do you happen to search on google, and what do you think you would do if google went down forever? http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-08/17/googledip
  3. (Please move if this is in the wrong section) http://hexus.net/business/news/telcos/58313-open-rights-group-says-uk-pornwall-will-block-web-forums/ Is it just me that thinks this whole thing is getting out of hand, not long and they will become a dictatorship for all we know! Thoughts and opinions on the "pornwall"?
  4. Hmm ok, Well i have seen someone selling a 4770k in my town for cheap so i offered him an ammount.. Gotta wait and see if he accpets.. But then i still have to try and sell my current mobo + cpu and get a new mobo while trying to get my money back that i would of used to get my Canon 600D :/
  5. I was considering upgrading my 7870 to a 670 but after looking at the sim i play it looks like i would benefit from a CPU upgrade instead.... So currently i have a 6100 @4.2 Ghz... Would it be worth going to a 4770k or should i hold back and go for a 3770k?
  6. They will but amd will always be better for BF4 just like it is with BF3
  7. Yea thats the only thing thats making me not go and do it right now... When i built my AMD PC i was under the impression that i was also going to go and build an Intel/nvidia PC also but cash has just run away from me :/
  8. Hmm ok.... I'll have to look into trying to get enough for a 770 :/ Its not the performace of something like BF3 that i care about.. i currently get like 60fps+... I mainly play FSX which (because amd wouldn't implement the software for the engine) has much better performance with an nVidia GPU but i wanted to be sure that if i was to swap to a 660ti/670 i would still get that 60fps+.
  9. I don't think i would upgrade to a 79** series card 'cause i would get a much bigger improvement going to nVidia think.
  10. I'd like to get a 770 but currently they are like £300+... I could sell my 7870 but they cost so little these days i wouldn't have another £200 to throw at a 770 :/
  11. I currently have an XFX 7870 2GB (Core Edition) I play games such as BF3/Arma 3. I also like to play on FSX (which i hear does prefer nVidia GPUs) Would i be upgrading or downgrading if i was to swap my 7870 to something like a 660ti?
  12. Ive had none but the earthquake you was in was a Magnitude 6.5!!! (Edit: you already saw lol)
  13. Thats alot! Posted on twitter @FuzeDzn: https://twitter.com/FuzeDzn/status/340808118206357505
  14. Hope i win aha, trying to sell my iphone atm. Posted on my twitter @FuzeDzn (https://twitter.com/FuzeDzn/status/340638404960198656)
  15. I do prefer the look of the stealth vs the rapid though.. Going to have to give it a think but i better start selling my K60 now aha
  16. So im looking for a short keyboard with Blue switches.. I was recommended the Quickfire TK but now there is the Stealth and i like them both.. Anyone help on which one i should go for? limited to =< £80
  17. I have a 7870 and didn't get farcry 3 blood dragon as its only Never Settle RELOADED... And i can't afford to get FC3:BD never mind crysis 3.....
  18. I did not know that! Well hopefully something gets going and a start up comes along soon if people are up for the idea and see the potential in it...
  19. Hey guys, I have been thinking around for a while and looking at some big youtubers and the types of games they want and what i would like.. I've come up with a pretty good idea which i believe could sell a lot. Despite this i don't have the skills to develop a game and i would need some people to develop. I don't want to discuss the idea on the forums but if you have any experience in game coding, Design, Sound, Animation etc etc then add me on Skype: Matt456f While i don't have the cash also i think it would be a great idea for a kick starter too! -Fuze
  20. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/05/09/sony-not-anticipating-a-loss-with-playstation-4-launch Anyone here buying a PS4?