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Everything posted by Johannes_Lazor

  1. Do you have any other PSU's at hand? it sounds like your PSU has a halfway blown cap somewhere and can only supply just enough wattage to power up the lights, as soon as something as heavy as the CPU or RAM needs power it just shuts off
  2. those last ~800 mb is dedicated for your graphics. My laptop has 4gb of RAM and has 512mb dedicated as Vram, so i only get 3.5gb of usable RAM for the CPU.
  3. Im on an practical education, Half of all days which i study are on real jobs, I have stacked up about 800 hours of work during the 3 years i have studied. I am allowed to wire houses and such, But a full-paid electrician has to give the go-ahed to power everything up. The people i work with trust me enough so they just say "Sure, power it up" at this point. Most of what i do is wiring stuff, but i also do some planning and such. The boss at the place i "work" says im better than some of the guys who have been working for him 1-3 years
  4. Yup, Everything went just fine, The best way to learn is to fail as i have shown time and time again
  5. Nice, might add it later. i will start a new skyrim playthrough when i am done with Fallout 4. A graphical mod for skyrim which i would recommend is Imaginator, It allows for very fine adjustement of saturation, light and shadows without any performance impact. It really gives the final Umph to make the game custom
  6. Has immersive patrols gotten better lately? i remember the last time i used it, The troops just ended up in a big cluster east of Helgen until the papyrus script just gave up
  7. When i was 7 i took two wires and put them on my tounge, I thought it would tickle since i already did it with 9 volt batteries.. I had to go to speech therapy later :P, But look at me now! Now i am an Electrician x D
  8. Depending on the fan it can work, Using a 12v DC fan it will die, thats for sure. However, if the fan is rated for AC and 230 volts it is just fine. The primary problem with plugging you notebook directly into the socket is the AC, It burns through DC electronics like a hot knife through butter. Stepping down the voltage from 230 volts to 20 volts is not very efficient unless you use the AC with a transformer and convert it to DC( the powerbrick). You could just put a resistor with a cooler on it along with an powerful diod and capacitor to step down the voltage but that way all the 210volts which are excess would have to be converted into heat(That is the way mosfets work, but DC to DC)
  9. I would recommend getting an G3258 and an H81 motherboard instead, Intel offers better gaming performance at the moment becouse of their single-threaded performance. And on a decent H81 motherboard. But if you simply are a fan of AMD you can go with that if you want, Your money, your rules. For example, In a game which uses 4 cores or less the i5 4460 will have nearly twice the performance of an FX 8350, And games rarely use more than 4 cores. (take the benchmark with a grain of salt) http://cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp%5B%5D=1780&cmp%5B%5D=2230
  10. Coca Cola Zero - The CPU/GPU which need Heating up to not freeze!
  11. Yea, minecraft will run at that Cinematic 24fps™ Just joking. You will be able to push pretty much anything on that rig, But you should get a Z-series board if you want to overclock.
  12. Windows update. I only use Windows update and Geforce experience for updating drivers, It suits me just fine.
  13. I would not go for an boot drive which only has 60gb, Im using a 240gb BX200 and i am barely scraping by, and the only games i have on it is Fallout 4, Skyrim and ARK: SE
  14. I usually buy hardware when it is a generation behind and prices drops for it. I would say go for the older CPU, More bang for your buck.
  15. PC hardware prices drops as rocks in water. Just dont bother looking back, look forwards instead.
  16. doubt it would happen, Not many people need that kind of bandwidth.
  17. It wont break, A prebuilt system is just an computer but with lower bang for the buck. Just get the stuff you want and throw it in there, And Boom, Instant Gaming performance.
  18. looks good, but i would recommend getting an SSD and expanding with an HDD later on as moving over the OS from an big HDD to an SSD can be a bit tricky.
  19. Personally i would have gone with Win10 rather than 8.1, It just feels right compared to 8.1. Other than that the build looks great
  20. this is the best i could find on a limited time, It would be alright for games, but you would get something better if you built it yourself. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01CUYNBHW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1459936796&sr=1-1&refinements=p_n_feature_five_browse-bin%3A7817224011&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=desktop+gaming&dpPl=1&dpID=41wFTLw%2BFNL&ref=plSrch
  21. i used a program called Mypublicwifi last time i got that problem. the hotel we stayed at blocked sharing with connectify, but it worked with mypublicwifi for some reason. Im thinking the reason could be that mypublicwifi maybe creates a virtual router instead of just an accesspoint.
  22. Short answer: Yes. Long answer: No. There are scenarios where you can use the entire potential of your GPU, but in most scenarios it is bottlenecked. The bottleneck is similar to when i used an A6 6400k together with an GTX 660, I could only use about half the graphics performance.
  23. The performance is about the same. Unless you intend on overclocking heavily and watercool it the brand wont matter a whole lot. Get the card which you think looks the best. I would recommend one with 4gb of Vram, otherwise you will be limited to what graphics you can push.
  24. When i enable r.SimpleDynamicLighting i get FPS at around 50-60, But if i enable the regular dynamic lighting my FPS goes down to 6-15. So for now im playing with the simple dynamic lighting, Which looks like crap and makes me unable to use fires during the night to see a little. Im asking if there is some way of making the game use the regular dynamic lighting for fires, and the crappy dynamic lighting for everything else. Specs: CPU: I5 4690k GPU: Asus GTX 660 RAM: 2x4gb Kingston Genesis 1600Mhz OS: Win10 Pro (More specifics in signature) Here is my engine.ini config:
  25. If the games you play does not require more than 2gb of Vram - 690 If the games you play require 2gb or more(pretty much any heavier game from late 2015 and newer) - GTX 970 My GTX 660 usually cant handle games at higher than Medium textures, And in Ubisoft games i sometimes have to set for Low textures. The Vram usually runs out before the raw performance for me.