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  1. Exactly. Steve new what hew was doing and did it intentionally.
  2. Yes, it's standard practice out of *respect* And also *fact checking* is important. Doing an ambush job like this was intentional. Steve knew what he was doing and how it would play out in public.
  3. He doesn't want to play into a back and forth drama battle. How is that not obvious and so difficult to understand? Did Steve do such a good job of villainizing Linus that y'all turbed your brains off that much?!
  4. It can be possible for Steve to use valid criticisms as a basis for an attack piece. It's a classic play where you take a partial truth, or even a full truth, and reframe it into an ad hominem attack. Steve has been taking an increasingly adversarial and overly critical stance over the past few years. And it seems like he has the bias of "big equals bad." I saw the early brewing of this with the "Trust Me Bro" video he did. He feels threatened by Linus and Labs and this is his way of trying to level the playing field. Linus is correct. It's a dick move to not fact check this properly and blindside Linus like this. Steve knows this. And he did it intentionally. Steve wants drama and division. It's literally strait out of the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. You attack a larger entity to gain attention and social leverage. It's an old power play tactic, you see it all the time. Linus fucked up. Yeah. But Steve is going out of his way to blow it out proportion to effectively sabotage LMG and Labs. Labs is a massive threat to GN in Steve's mind. Which is toxic competition. He's brewing unnecessary drama out of fears and insecurity. If it really truly was about the high horse ethical considerations he would have approached this very differently. And much more respectfully.
  5. The joke clearly went over your head son...
  6. The shortages effect everything. There is all sorts of stuff that's harder to get now. GPUs have an additional demand due to mining that takes that shortage to a whole new level. It's only recently that PS5 and Series X have been obtainable and in stock at all.
  7. I'm too simple for Linux and too complicated for a Mac. Windows needs to be a sweet middle ground for Not Quite Power Users like myself. I want the feeling like I know what I'm doing without actually having to truly become an expert in the OS. I want to be able to tweak my OS and break it at my will. Stop trying to protect me from myself Microsoft. Also stop trying to be an OS for both desktop and mobile all in one. Who even uses Windows for tablets? Your mom? There's those Surface things I guess? At the end of the day I'm a Gamer, bro. I want my shiny RTX reflections so I can watch me bang your mom in those glorious Ray Traced Reflections. I don't need mandated centered Start Menus. I don't need simplification. I need customization and options. Give me choice. Give me agency. I can follow a guide that tells me exactly what registry entry to change, and still get it wrong. So let me do whatever the hell I want to my OS I didn't pay for. And don't treat me like a Mac user. I'm using Windows because PCMR, all day, every day. ________ Sarcasm and flippantry aside as much as I kinda get why Microsoft keeps trying to make Windows more like Mac OS I also hate that they keep doing that. Truly I feel like I am losing my middle ground between Mac and Linux with the way Windows keeps dumbing down in the belief it will bring people from Mac back to Windows. Like Epic and others I say the same: Don't try and rely on tricks and gimmicks. Make a quality product that solves problems for people. Nothing about Windows 11 explicitly solves anything I've had issue with on Windows 10. If anything Windows needs to be more like Windows again. In that middle ground sense. If there was a "Power User Mode" that turned off the hand holding annoyances I would not have much to complain about. I *want* to like Windows 11. I truly do. But so far it leaves me skeptical and doubt filled. Serisouly, I have to change a registry entry to have a uncentered start menu? How about options instead of forcing on us what they think is best for us. Which is indicative of the problem I have with modern Windows. *Don't decide for me, let me choose.*
  8. Friction, does't fill micro scratches and imperfections, thermodynamics, etc
  9. " I told her I thought she should go ahead and fix this immediately since UPS is their contractor, not mine. At this point she (no joke) issues that refund she said she couldn't do earlier and I get an e-mail about it right away...the funds were in my account within a few hours." In general the person that paid for the shipping handles the insurance if something goes wrong. She must have been corrected by someone that actually knew how things worked. I say keep it.
  10. I signed up for Floatplane and titles are what they should be. It sucks they have to make the titles like that because YouTube. You really truly have to though. A good title and thumbnail is crucial for any YouTube content. I guess at the end of the day blame the majority of humans that clickbait works on.
  11. Mass Effect did something innovative in its time, and it's awesome in it's own right. But it's not as good as people remember and the dialogue and storytelling is a lot shakier than many want to admit. It's not that amazing of a story or storytelling. It's not "the best" ever by any stretch. It's high level, very good, and solid. But people have blown it up into more than it is because of emotional attachments and so on. Bioware was never actually *that* great and got its reputation by trying to do things that were innovative more so than actually being that good at game design and development. (This post inspired by playing Legendary Edition and cringing at a lot of the dialogue and some of the voice acting. A lot of it is much rougher than I remembered.)
  12. The point is NVidia pushed the innovation forward and was like "we're making this a thing." You're completely missing the point.
  13. Perhaps you're misremembering or made a typo? A big thing about PhysX was moving processing to the GPU from the CPU. Including the ability to use an older GPU for dedicated physic processing. The 2nd GPU for PhysX is a dead concept now, but was amazing at the time. I'm not sure how PhysX "failed." Even if PhysX isn't the best implementation, it's what pushed the idea forward into becoming a standard component of gaming. *Which no one else was doing at the time!* If that's "failing" then I hope RTX "fails" just as hard as you perceive PhysX did. All these people trying to diminish what Nvidia did with PhysX proves my point. Comparing Mario having momentum to ragdoll physics is a massive false equivalence that ignores the actual innovations of PhysX. There was no ragdolls before PhysX. There was not every object has physics so that you walk around and kick things aside. There was not any physics puzzles like is a common thing these days. There not physics based game mechanics until after PhysX made physics processing a "thing" at all. I remember playing Unreal Tournament when PhysX was fresh new and ragdoll corpses were literally a brand new thing. It was clearly a game changer, and people still shat on it. Havoc Physics did not exists until Nvidia made PhysX and in game physics simulations a "thing" as far as I am aware. Nvidia innovated and then everyone else followed suit. Would we have Ray Tracing on consoles if Nvidia had not aggressively pushed RTX? Probably most likely not. If you think we would then explain how it took consoles pushing ReBAR and associated tech to make it happen when we could have had ReBAR years ago. The tech for stuff like ReBAR has been around. There was no push or motive to develop it though. *And that's why RTX and PhysX are historically important innovations to gaming and tech.* Not because they're "the best" or anything like that. But because they pushed innovative tech forward at the right time that it could get the foothold it needs to become standardized.
  14. Plug the USB cable into a standard USB Wall Wart. I want to have a PWM fan wired to USB so I can plug it in like any other appliance. Wire the fan to the USB step up and then USB to wall wart. Technically the wall wart is a form of power supply. I also want to do this properly and not have a fire hazard of a fan while keeping it as simple and inexpensive as reasonably possible. Sure I could take some "shortcuts" and risk burning the apartment building down that houses more people than only myself. But I think I will play it safe and do it properly. Y'all trying to tell me to wire it directly must like making that magic smoke escape or something... I haven't even ordered any part of anything yet. Still in the research phase and there's other stuff that's higher priority. Btw I'm on the Autism Spectrum and fan noise can be a serious sensory thing for me if it's hits certain ranges and pitches. If it makes any sounds or vibrations that I can't deal with changing the speed can help with making it something I can actually use. I wound up spending too much money on ML120s from Corsair because I couldn't stand most other fans. Amazon must have been wondering wtf was going on when I was returning fan after fan because the noise was in the wrong range.