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  1. ahs89

    Csgo only 120fps

    Set everything to low, turn on multi-core setting in settings, lower screen resolution one important thing close background applications which may be consuming extra memory.
  2. Games bought till now. * GTA V * KOF 98 Ultimate * KOF 2002 Ultimate * KOF XIII * Witcher 3
  3. GTA V 60% discounted on steam, there are other games which are on huge sale. Here are some games which are on many people's wishlist. Steam Summer Sale 2018
  4. Logo and colour scheme speaks itself, the product seems 100% fishy.
  5. Yes for sure first two games were amazing and 3rd one seems more interesting, This year's E3 was a feast for gamers.
  6. Excited about Assassins Creed Odyssey and Cyberpunk both of them looks fabulous.
  7. Apart from practising many hours and finding out correct hitboxes, there are other tips that can help you to be a pro. Recently I came across following tips and these really helped me to improve my game. https://www.killping.com/blog/csgo-pro-tips-tricks/