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Everything posted by Snickerzz

  1. Against steam's TOS. But yeah it can be sold.
  2. Snickerzz

    Who wants a Rainbow Six: Vegas Uplay key? First…

    It's okay, chickenyellow beat you :P
  3. Wasn't Dragon Inquisition the same but got cracked after a couple months?
  4. Snickerzz

    Who wants a Rainbow Six: Vegas Uplay key? First…

    A lot of the Tom Clancy games are up for grabs right now in the weekly Humble Bundle, Frosty
  5. Snickerzz

    Who wants a Rainbow Six: Vegas Uplay key? First…

  6. Who wants a Rainbow Six: Vegas Uplay key? First to draw me a horsey wins :D

    1.   Show previous replies  7 more
    2. Snickerzz


      It's okay, chickenyellow beat you :P

    3. manikyath


      he also beat me in drawing skills. he deserves it xD

    4. Yummychickenblue


      I don't think so. it looks more like a jelly bean with legs and a head than a horse.

  7. meh, i use my Roku like once every two months
  8. HDCP protection is dumb I use a HDMI extender since my Roku doesn't get a good enough signal where it's at. But since I use that some Netflix content won't stream, like courage the cowardly dog >:C
  9. Yeah, I think they had like 3 released exclusives, whereas PS4 had like 15? I'll try and find where i saw that Edit~ Xbone had 3, Halo 5, Forza, and Rare Replay. PS4 had 12
  10. I haven't actually. The last thing i read about the xbone was that there was a rumor MS would be making a cheaper/underpowered Xbone this year... which Idk how they'll do that when the current one is under performing...
  11. I know I get confused... skylake, haswell, haswell refresh, broadwell, sandy bridge.... wat
  12. I've seen 4 types of keys, NA - North America, EA - East Asia, RU - Russia, and ROW - Rest of World/Global. OP probably has a NA key. OP using a VPN to get cheaper games, weather on purpose or not, is against the Steam Subscriber Agreement and they can lock your account for it. You will also need to use the VPN everytime you launch the game. I don't think Steam really cares so long as you aren't doing it a lot... But IDK
  13. no, that's only if you change your hardware. the upgrade license is tied to your hardware.
  14. I'm not sure I don't actually have a lot of knowledge on this
  15. Depends on who you buy them from and the name, if it's a short URL, like cat, it will cost a lot more. Google recently launched their domain service which you can see here: https://domains.google.com/about/. https://www.namecheap.com/ is also good. I think the minimum is $12/year
  16. You need to purchase a domain name
  17. If you don't upgrade within the first year, you will need to purchase a license. So yes.
  18. I can only pull down the notification bar on 5.0.1 on my S4.
  19. You won't get free products until you get an audience. It will probably be easiest for you to purchase products, review them, then return them and repeat to build an audience. And as a side note, most products have to be sent back, even LTT has to send back many of it's review samples.