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Fire up the barbecue and crack open an ice cold adult beverage of your choice! I wish all fellow Americans a safe and happy Independence Day!

  1. Psittac


    Spent the day convincing my 4 person (including myself) lan group to get fortnite pve.  We all got it up and running and through the tutorials and enjoyed a couple rounds.  I bought the game for person #2 and it took a while to convince person #3 to buy the game because person #2 quits games habitually.  After some discussion person #3 got the game and eventually #2's wife bought the game because even though they couldn't afford it....... if it'll get team squishy pant's back together and in the driver's seat.......... it's worth putting on a credit card.  Now I'm home and drunk LOL

  2. Razor Blade

    Razor Blade

    As long as you ended the day drunk that's all I needed to hear haha

  3. Psittac


    Indeed good sir........ Indeed!

  4. Psittac


    Yep......... I'm drunk
