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  1. From what I've read/heard AA isn't necessary at such a high resolution, so that helps reduce the load on your GPU.
  2. I don't understand how a game that has 'updated graphics, voice acting, the works' will feel like an old game? It's like saying any FPS released now feels like Doom. I'd pay $100 for a proper remake. If people are paying $60 for CoD 17 or Watchdogs then I can't see them having an issue. Since it had been remade with 'the works' the only thing 20 years old would be the storyline and concept.
  3. I self-studied for my CCNA R + S, CCNA Security and CCNP Security component exams using a combination of CBT Nuggets video training (Keith Barker, personal fave!) and Cisco Press books. They can be tricky exams, don't underestimate them. I'd choose Cisco certs over say Network+ if I had to, I guess A+ is a good foundation if you're trying to get into the IT field but I personally never bothered with it. Just get some books, maybe some training videos and budget the couple hundred bucks for an exam Also, GNS3 (Especially with the newer beta versions) coupled with VirtualBox/VMWare are great for simulating most aspects of infrastructure for Network/Server labbing, at least I've found them invaluable
  4. You're seeing 15ms latency when pinging your modem whilst directly connected? That seems rather high...
  5. Woah, what sort of BCLK are you using to bump it up to 4.2? And as others have suggested don't worry about your CPU, you'll be bottlenecking your GPU before that a 290X is still very good but adding a second may help you with any forthcoming 4K funtimes I'd have thought...
  6. I was going to say that if they'd just remade FF7 they wouldn't have had a problem. Even if it costs the same as making an entirely new FF game, it would sell better since you'd be targeting people new to the series as well as older players that have fond memories of the PS1 era games, for example I personally have had no interest in anything after X, even that was pushing it for me, but HD versions of the older games I'd be way more interested in.
  7. Just move to Downtown Vancouver and get 300Mb from Novus.
  8. You do miss out on the Dual Channel speed boost though
  9. Comcast have been known to throttle traffic to/from Netflix/Youtube, tunneling your traffic through to a third party has been found to alleviate this for some people.
  10. 1.6gb for one Chrome process seems rather abnormal. If you find that the total amount of memory usage doesn't match up to the amount indicated by the processes tab, try running RAMMap: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/sysinternals/ff700229.aspx If you find a bunch is 'Driver Locked' then you have a leaky driver that's absorbing a lot of memory, I've had this issue before with a bad NIC driver. This explained why I had 15.9GB used of 16GB despite Task Manager only listing about 3GB of total process memory usage.
  11. I'm pretty sure also that plenty of developers that have worked on AAA titles HAVE ended up at Indie developers after becoming tired of the grind...
  12. Looks like you have the same dust filter on the top of your 350D as I do Got a 240mm rad in the top with the screw heads pushing up the filter too? That's the one thing about mine that I dislike
  13. Just a little side-thought, how can it be 'illegal' to own physical copy of a game in a country that doesn't honor international copyright laws if they do not have a concept of such legislation? Legality is confined to the context of the country enforcing the legislation, if somewhere doesn't recognize any international copyright laws and they have no specific legislation that would deem your physical copy illegal, then it's perfectly legal, regardless of whether or not the company chooses to market their products there.
  14. Do you mean R9 290 or R9 290X? Can't really compare a 780Ti to a regular 290. Also, you could do 780 now and maybe SLI later, but personally I'd just spend a bit more and get one single card that'll last for some time. No possibility of SLI weirdness then