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About Caeg

  • Birthday Jun 01, 1995

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  1. Did you ever fix this issue or find the source of the problem? I’m dealing with the same thing.
  2. As someone who started following Linus back in 2012 so I could build my first computer, it really makes me sad that Linus didn’t get the play button. (To the point where I’m posting here which I very rarely do) That being said, I think everyone is taking things a bit too far. Linus pulling the “do you know who I am” is completely understandable in this situation. He wasn’t doing it out of ego but rather to let the dude know that he was the creator of NCIXTechTips. As for the kid and his dad. I think it’s pretty stupid and selfish to keep the play button after talking to Linus. (Even after Linus told them to keep it.) But in the end Linus decided to be the bigger person and we should respect Linus’ decision for that. Trying to tear this kid down to return the button will do nothing. If anything, Linus getting the play button back will just remind him of how his followers broke a kid down just to return it.
  3. I would want to give my mom a Huawei smart watch. The reason why is because my dad really wants a smart watch but he's not allowed to get one because my mom thinks they're stupid and doesn't see the point in having a computer on your wrist. If I got it for my mom, it might convince her to let my dad get an Apple Watch like he wanted. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B013LKLIB0/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?qid=1449131095&sr=8-3π=SY200_QL40&keywords=huawei+watch&dpPl=1&dpID=41yIf%2B3%2B7YL&ref=
  4. Vessel Username: Caeg Favorite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyYDat ultra wide.... :wub: https://www.vessel.com/videos/FOyt3jkBqLinus on dat playground... :wub: If someone wins Linus' computer, give it back to Linus.
  5. I really like the power supply. I've wanted to do a red build for a while and the power supply would look great with the build I had in mind.
  6. I like the phone because it's water proof. I just recently went on a trip to Hawaii but I was bummed out that I could never bring my phone in the water. DBrand is cool because they're helping give away a phone.
  7. Honestly, I've been an iPhone user for 4-5 years. I had the old school first ever android phone, the G1, before my iPhone and thought it was pretty good. The only complaints I had about android back then was it wasn't as fluent as Android. After switching to a 3GS and eventually an iPhone 4, I lost complete desire for any android phone because of the poor quality of their phones as well as their phones still not seeming as buttery as an iPhone. After the HTC One, it really changed the game up. Android was much more smooth and the HTC one was made with, if not better, quality than the iPhone. The HTC 1 M8 has steped it up again impressing me with it's solid build and curved back. I can't stand my iPhone 5's flat back and that awkward way it sits in my hand. Another thing that I'm very disappointed in with the iPhone is the lack of an SD card slot. I have the 64 GB iPhone 5 but still carry around a Voyager Air because 64 gigs isn't enough and there's no other way for me to expand my memory. As someone who is half deaf, headphones have aways been a pain in the ass for me too. I tend to use my phone a lot for watching movies, youtube, and TV shows at home but because I can't hear out of my right ear, so it's a pain in the ass to wear headphones and hear if someone is calling my name or anything. My only options are to use an external wireless speaker which I'd have to carry around the house or settle for the shitty iPhone speakers. HTC's boom sound would be perfect for my situation as well. Because I watch videos a lot, I HATE the iPhones small screen. It's my biggest complaint about my iPhone. I know this isn't an "HTC One feature" but I also like how open android is. My iPhone 5 is jailbroken to the max with Video Pane, Auxo 2, Snapper, custom layout, and a lot more but I'm stuck on my phone's OS version and upgrading or restoring my phone means losing my jailbreak forever. I like how there is no way of losing android's customizability. TLDR for everyone with a life; - Them curves feel nice in the hand - Having an SD card means more room for movies.... and stuff - Headphones are a pain for me at home so I use speakers but the iPhone speakers suck -Dat screen size - Not an HTC One feature but how open the OS is and how it stays open. Unlike iOS where you only have a small window of time to jailbreak Win or not, solid job on that phone HTC.