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  1. There are common ways to construct loops that make sense and are efficient, but from time to time we consider an odd loop configuration to make your loop look better or just because it is simply the only way it will work. I had a couple odd configuration questions to ask. If anyone has tried either of these or has scientific reasons as to why it is too inefficient to make sense. 1) Can you fit a 120mm radiator and a 240mm radiator (with the inlets/outlets of each radiator opposing) into a space designed for a 360mm radiator? 2) Can you have the inlet and outlet of a reservoir at the bottom? I'm considering my first loop (be nice) and am prone to thinking broadly about what can and can't be done but have no hands on experience to call upon. Anyone else have creative loop ideas that break conventionality? Anything that makes your friends say "why?" and you say "why not?"? (Dat awkward but grammatically correct punctuation tho)
  2. What's the deal with the Visiontek Radeon HD 7750 Eye 6? This GPU launched in Q1 of 2012 and now are resurfacing. Are they resurfacing? or are they brand new, manufactured this year with old hardware? Did Visiontek produce them and store them for future use or forget about them? are they in a very limited quantity? It is an amazing deal for multi monitor setups with similar GPUs costing $100 USD more. I was just curious if anyone knew what the deal was.
  3. Before I block everything the GPU is not powered. While my back is toward the screen I plug in the power. I start it with my screwdriver then nothing.
  4. I read that my 4690k being a haswell refresh would need a bios update in order to even post. I got the latest bios, renamed it and put it on a fat 30 formatted flash drive. Plugged my usb into the proper slot for bios flashback and pressed the flashback button. All that worked because when I did used my screwdriver to complete the circuit I successfully posted. It recognized my cpu and ram. My 280x was inserted into the topmost slot un-powered... So I wanted to see that working too. I powered it up with a 6+2 pin and 6 pin power cable from my Corsair CX 600. I did the screwdriver thing again and this happened... and from there I just freaked out internally. I tried posting again without the gpu, it powers up but it won't post.
  5. Is it too much to ask for The Gauntlet to be brought back too? BTW who is your favorite house robot?
  6. BattleBots is returning after 12 year hiatus. It will be airing on ABC this summer with 6 episodes. The series is focusing more intensely on team back stories and the designs of the battlebots. It will still be tournament style with time in between rounds to repair/prepare for the next round. There is no talk about the design of the arena or who will be hosting. Hopefully everything goes well because 6 episodes won't be enough for long time fans of the show. Until summer I will just have to play BattleBots on my Game Boy Advance. http://gizmodo.com/battlebots-is-back-after-ten-years-and-its-bound-to-be-1684321001
  7. I'm looking into my first pc build. I have been using laptops since 2010 and I figure it was about time to build something with real horsepower! I've been goofing around on pcpartpicker and I can only see myself spending about $250 on a graphics card. These Zotac 900 series cards would be a major step up from anything I could afford. And the Extreme looks like the rear end of the x2011 prototype from Gran Turismo 5 and 6.
  8. I can access most sites. I cannot visit youtube, imgur, stumbleupon and there may be others. He hasn't blocked all general access to the router. His laptop, his 2 cell phones (maybe 3 I'm not sure), his galaxy tab, my laptop, my PS3, and my 3rd roommate's cell phone are allowed. Yeah I hate confrontation, but this is ridiculous.
  9. After I type in the IP in the URL I need a Username and a Password. These would be setup by my roommate right? I have no way of figuring out that info. And throwing his stuff out the window isn't entertaining seeing as we live on the first floor. Proxys and VPNs won't work right? He has a whitelist set up. If the IP is disguised or changed it won't let me on the router. Will a second router work? I bought one last year when I lived in the dorms.
  10. My roommate is evil. He is just tech savvy enough to block my computer from certain websites, most notably youtube (Nooo!). He has blocked me from websites because "I'm taking up too much bandwidth" and "he lags when he plays LoL". We live in an apartment together at college. If I choose to watch youtube to relax in between classes I should be able to. Right? I pay rent. I deserve the internet just as much as he does. But no I affect his crummy video game. If he really wants to play it I would browse less demanding websites, but he chooses to ban me outright instead. He owns the router and therefore has a chokehold on what I can do on the internet. At the begining of the year he set up a whitelist so that I could even use the router. This means that he has my computer's IP and he can set it up so that when my IP tries to connect to youtube it denies me access. Any tech solutions would be appreciated, but I'm not limiting responses to tech solutions, devious revenge ideas would be fun too.