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  1. I love the way Linus just rampages through the house.
  2. I like the Benq W1070 I use in my lounge room.
  3. I've got a Xbox One S as it was a great price for a 4k Blu Ray player at the time. Plus I can now play Madden.
  4. Decided against getting a new GPU for the moment. Hopefully the new cards are launched in the next 6 months.
  5. Storage Drive. My OS and Games run off the SSD. The PSU I mentioned is running in my 2nd PC with a i5 4590 and GTX 960 2gb. My Main pc is without a PSU atm due to a warranty issue.
  6. Would I'll be safe to run this psu in my rig http://silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=362&area=en Ryzen 5 1600 MSI Gaming X RX 480 4gb 8gb DDR4 Memory 1 240 gb SSD 1 3tb WD 5400 Hard Driver Corsair 270R Case
  7. Change of plans Think I'll go with a Gtx 1060 3gb. Only need it to play 1080p60 for a few games like Fifa and F1 in my htpc. Should hopefully do the job for 18-24 Months.
  8. 4k. Plus you can do a bit of Video upscaling in Kodi as well.
  9. GTX 1060 3gb - Around 250-270 6gb around - 330 - 380 RX 570 4gb around 300 RX 580 around 350-400 However I need 4gb of VRAM so the Gtx 1060 3gb is not a option.
  10. Does anybody know about this card? Having a hard time finding reviews on it. http://www.inno3d.com/products_detail.php?refid=271
  11. Trying to build a Ryzen 5 atm in Australia and looks like 8gb of ddr4 3000 is going to cost me about $130. I was thinking of waiting for the black friday sale in a few weeks to pick up some ram. Not sure if it's worth waiting.
  12. Is the Ryzen 5 1600 easy to overclock?
  13. Thanks for the help everyone You've saved me some $$$.