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You know what's even more upsetting?

False DMCA takedowns. 

  1. Tech_Dreamer


    You know whats even more upsetting?


    doing a shitty PC build guide.

  2. lewdicrous


    You know what's even more upsetting?

    The fact that they didn't face any repercussions from their false DMCA takedowns.

  3. Tech_Dreamer


    it was an automatic issue right? as in nothing deliberate in that sense with Youtube f*n it up.  unless a faux company rep deliberately reported it & played the  blame game on the id systems fault .

  4. lewdicrous


    It wasn't a content ID claim, it was a copyright strike and judging by the replies from the verge's EIC, it was deliberate.

  5. Tech_Dreamer


    wow , that's a nice PR move by them . this coming after that Bitwit review got taken down from them for dampening criticism .

  6. lewdicrous


    Bitwit and ReviewTechUSA got copyright strikes.

