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About AMTraxTGE

  • Birthday Dec 14, 1998

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Web Design & Development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, and many others. Playing video games and live streaming.
  • Biography
    "Just a streamer streaming games on websites. What's weird about that?" I love streaming, and I like talking to new people!

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  1. My problem seem to have found one issue that seemed to be causing this. My PS4 controller was plugged into my machine. My dog had knocked it off my computer without me noticing and landed on the joysticks. This ended up causing the "Tabbing".
  2. I'm having the same issue. Randomly my computer decides that it wants to start tabbing backwards in the start menu and even right clicking applications on my taskbar. I am able to restart my computer and the problem goes away. I can not figure out if it is this keyboard or windows
  3. After digging around for the last few days, I have concluded that I'm not able to find an answer to my topic that works. I'm making a Nuxt SSR (Server Side Rendering) application that is using firebase as the primary source of authentication and using firebase firestore for the database. When I get my user from the token from firebase, I dispatch the action from the user store. GET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS - STORE ACTION async GET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS({ commit }, uid) { console.log('[USER_STORE][ACTION]: GET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', uid) await firebase .firestore() .collection('users') .doc(uid) .get() .then(doc => { if (doc.exists) { console.log('[USER_STORE][ACTION][GET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS]:', doc.data()) commit('SET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', doc.data()) } }) }, When I get to running this Action, stopped by Even when I check the typeof the uid that got passed in, it is still a string and given with a value. The console.log above the firebase statement shows that in the log.
  4. You are mostly likely okay. The Gibson Research Corporation is made by Steve Gibson. Creating this website for research purposes. The tools created are to help a user find what vulnerabilities that they do have open. Their privacy policy is nice and short. https://www.grc.com/privacy.htm
  5. McAfee, hands down. I could not uninstall it from my friends computer. It said: ?
  6. The viewport is the area of the screen that the user can see. When you set in the meta tag the 'width', you are setting the width of the entire html document to the 'device-width'. The initial-scale is the zoom at which the page is first loaded by the browser. Responsive Web Design Viewport - W3Schools The viewport meta tag is mostly required for mobile-responsive applications and websites. Media Quires are CSS styles that apply when a condition is true. @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { body { background-color: lightblue; } } When the screen is 600px or less. Styles in here will not get applied when larger to 600px Responsive Web Design Media Queries - W3Schools
  7. HTML, CSS, JavaScript were my first Completely basic, but I've went on to learn NodeJS, TypeScript, C#, .NET, PHP, SQL
  8. You could, or you can go to the Network section of the developer tools. When you refresh the page with the video on it, it will show up in the list of loaded files. Sometimes, websites like Spotify and YouTube encrypt their videos and do their own method of streaming the video to the web page and is never actually downloaded.
  9. Both will work, RGB is pretty much every browser, although RGBA just specifies transparency. For CSS: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_colors.asp Check this for CSS3: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_colors.asp
  10. When changing my notification setting, I noticed an issue with styling with the Night Theme 2.0. When I'm at https://linustechtips.com/main/notifications/options everything seems to be normal. When I am redirected from a user profile or somewhere other than the direct link I get https://linustechtips.com/main/notifications/options/?type=new_content to specify which variable needs to be changed. Continuing on to the highlighted option, It is highlighted white and is barely visible. Here is the screenshot
  11. This thread should be in programming, but use this: <p style="font-size: 30px">Kurt's Blog</p>
  12. Is it possible that your router is blocking access to the sites? What do chrome dev tools under network look like after a refresh?
  13. Have you ran the npm init command in the folder you are working in? This initializes the project and creates the packages.json file.
  14. Considering you're in a dorm I can see why you'd be kicked out if you dig into the router, but having a VPN connection anywhere is gonna affect game performance. Effectively, Tunnel Bear is a VPN and in the end does the same thing as possibly opening the desired ports. Pretty much what I'm saying is a VPN is a network that you connect to somewhere else to get access. Try a few free ones and see if they work.
  15. Well, unfortunately, the warranty was from 2014 and has already expired. This only puts more of the work on my end considering I have another computer that hit the dust almost the same way with a possible motherboard situation