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  1. This is totally possible, you just need to write a small script which periodically downloads the csv and imports it into a table in your database Look into the documentation of Joomla, there should be a section about plugins and all these things. You will need to code yourself, but that shouldn't be too hard for this case
  2. I just looked at the oEmbed Specs and found something interesting for you! https://oembed.com/ @ 5. -> 5.1 { "version": "1.0", "type": "video", "provider_name": "YouTube", "provider_url": "http://youtube.com/", "width": 425, "height": 344, "title": "Amazing Nintendo Facts", "author_name": "ZackScott", "author_url": "http://www.youtube.com/user/ZackScott", "html": "<object width=\"425\" height=\"344\"> <param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/M3r2XDceM6A&fs=1\"></param> <param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param> <param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param> <embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/M3r2XDceM6A&fs=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"344\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed> </object>", } look at the html property, just embed your video into the oembed
  3. Hey there, services like Discord look for meta tags in the sites HTML you want to embed. For example, Discord looks for multiple Sources.
  4. I haven't said that certain problems can't be done in C, just that it's more efficient to use languages build for specific problems. - Why should I climb a steep, rocky street uphill with a roadbike when it's more efficient and easier to use a mountainbike which is build for this.
  5. depends on the use case, C is not suitable for every problem.
  6. I can recommend both Atom and VSCode. Just try it out and stick to one, its more a personal preference than a professional reason.
  7. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/nodejs/nodejs_restful_api.htm Can't find anything hard at this tutorial..even with no NodeJS/REST knowledge.
  8. But in the end it all depends on what you like and feel comfortable in. If you never used vim before you won't be as productive as in another editor with a UX (windows like) you are used to. The more you use vim the more you get used to it and also you get more productive, but you can't say "My editor is much better than editor X because its 'faster'". These tests are more benchmarking the syscalls and blockdevice speed than the editor IMO.
  9. Everybody got their preferences. Maybe to develop applications for this Engine? I mainly added these to my list because of the possibility to install plugins for other languages because there is a great community behind Atom and VSCode. ah now i get it..i just read your signature.
  10. Look at the tested version numbers. Ever tested one of these yourself? I worked with Atom for about 1yr and switched to VS Code one month ago. Can't say anything bad about speed..and who opens a 3GB File?
  11. You got some decent options on Linux: CLion by Jetbrains (quite expensive if you aren't enrolled as a student) best available C/C++ IDE (imo) https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/ Atom Editor with Plugins (Free) https://atom.io/ Visual Studio Code with Plugins (Free) https://code.visualstudio.com/ I would consider one those 3 IDEs/Editors..they are fast and the last 2 are also free AND you can easily install more plugins to fit other languages/coding needs.