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the reason why might seem silly. 


i went swimming. that sounds like a weird thing to get so excited over but lemme explain...


so, basically my group of friends decided they wanted to go swimming at a local lake. totally safe, the beach is huge and i live in a small town, there was plenty of space to social distance there don't worry, like the place is HUGE and i live in a small town so there could have been 3x the amount of people there that were there and it still would have been fine.

regardless, even though i really like swimming i haven't in years because dysphoria. the last time i went there with friends it was awful because they were playing in the water and i was sitting at the side lonely because i was scared to get into swimwear because i hate the way my body is and just aaaa....

but, i texted one of my friends and explained it, and she totally understood and we went shopping together (again small town, we went shopping just after dinner time so the place was almost empty, plenty of space, all safe) and we bought a bikini for me. 

that's what made me comfy with swimming today, it just felt right wearing that and i could finally swim again since years and it just felt right to wear it and and and i'm just so happy and aaaaa!!!!

the crazy thing is i expected people to yell at me and stuff, like, i got stares which i'm used to since i've been wearing women's clothing for a while but nobody yelled at me, nobody cursed at me... i just feel so accepted :) 

  1. soldier_ph


    So are you Transgender and want to become a Women or are you just a guy that likes to wear Womens clothing and Make Up ? 

  2. Ashleyyyy


    @Pascal... i'm Trans and i want to "become a women" yes... to use more conventional terms i want to transition from male to female (mtf). 

  3. Tog Driver

    Tog Driver


    i'm Trans

    I thought the term "trans" was only used if someone had sex reassignment surgery? or is that transsexual vs transgender?

  4. Ashleyyyy


    @Tog Driver those 2 words indeed have different meanings. 


    a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex.

    denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
    technically both terms work for me, but transgender is a better word imo, because it also validates people who are genderfluid, non-binary, i could go on. i just describe myself as "trans" since both terms work for my identity, but i like to use transgender more as it's a much more inclusive term. 
  5. Tog Driver

    Tog Driver

    So the only difference is binary vs non-binary?

  6. Jtalk4456


    glad to hear it, you go girl!

  7. Ashleyyyy