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    Audio & video production, writing and performing music & drama, learning about new and old technologies, playing video games.
  • Biography
    I'm an aspiring digital audio & video producer. I'm one half of the epic duo of doom - Balleruaille.

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  1. Already commented on the video but I thought I should post here in case Cooler Master is lurking.
  2. I'm having difficulty finding real competitors for the Macbook Air in terms of the price/performance. I just read an interesting article that confirms my fears: Original post: http://www.ultrabookreview.com/177-ultrabooks-macbook-air-good-great/
  3. Thanks for the quick responses guys. I very much enjoy using Macbook Airs. I've used a friends 11" Macbook Air early 2013 and another friends 13" late 2013. I liked them both very much. I just want look around for better value alternatives for the same price (and alternatives that perform similarly at a lower cost). I like Apple products. I don't personally own any but I've used iMacs, Mac Pros and Macbook/Air/Pros a lot for work and uni. Only thing I don't like about Apple products is the price.
  4. Hi guys. I've got some webdev projects coming up and I need a super portable, super snappy laptop to work from. I am fond of the Macbook Air but I'm sure there are other options that are just as good or better for the same money or less. So what would you recommend? I'm looking for some options - Something around the £500 (€630) mark and something around £750 (€950). A 1080p display is pretty important to me. I'd like it to be sub 15" if possible and not weigh (portability is key). Any help would be appreciated! EDIT: Please see this - http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/234604-talk-me-out-of-buying-a-macbook-air/#entry3213030
  5. Same here. I built a system a few months back with a 770. I'm pretty sickened I didn't wait for the the 900 series release since the Zotac 970 is nearly the same price I paid for my 770 back then. I'm tempted to get one.
  6. Thanks very much for your help Norumu, I submitted a ticket.
  7. Hi guys, I'm getting an N200 case (THIS) and I can get a free Hyper 412 Slim (THIS). It's for a 4690k. According to the specs, it's 160mm tall and the N200 can accommodate a 160mm CPU cooler but there's not much room for error. Do case specs take into account the height of a motherboard? My mobo is the Gigabyte Z97M-D3H (THIS). Anyway, any information would be much appreciated!
  8. Silly question. I want to just check that this will work: I live in a large bungalow so with my router in the centre of my house the network doesn't reach either end of the house. I want to move my router closer to one end and run a powerline adapter to my PC at the other end of the house. I then want to share the powerline ethernet network via my WiFi adapter so that my phone and other devices have WiFi when I'm at my PC. Will this work? Or should I invest in a 2nd router. Note: I'm currently using WiFi for my PC but I want to upgrade to powerline for gaming.
  9. I saw "Peripherals" and "Networking" and chose "Networking" but I completely missed "Displays". My bad! I thought it was a long shot. Oh well, I'll probably go with the splitter with the channel switches on the box itself.
  10. I'm looking for a HDMI splitter that accommodates multiple HDMI inputs for a single Avermedia Live Gamer HD on a streaming machine. This is to be used for group streaming. I have found a bunch of splitters but they either use a remote or switches on the splitter itself. The latter would work fine but it would be much better if the streams could be bound to keys so they could be more easily switched between on the streaming machine itself. Can someone reccommend a good HDMI splitter that has USB connectivity for this purpose?
  11. I didn't read all the responses so maybe someone has already suggested something similar: Maybe you could do a brand themed video. Say, for example, Corsair make cases, coolers, ram, SSDs, PSUs, fans & peripherals. (I feel like I'm missing something...) I'm sure you could easily convince whichever company's brand you choose to sponsor it too. Maybe you don't want to seem biased towards your sponsors, since you pretty much always reccommend the most reliable, best performing components or the best price-to-performance components. However, I'm pretty sure most of your audience knows you're usually tough but fair in your reviews/overviews. Anyway, just some food for thought.
  12. Well, its going to be different for different people. For example, in my case, I will be picking a 770 over a 280x because the 280x can't offer GPU accellerated rendering in Premiere Pro CS6. (From what I can gather, It works in CC, not in CS6) In regard to the question you asked at the end about affiliate links vs. paid advertising: You should do both. You should use the affiliate links and paid advertising to maximise your revenue. If you consider the revenue from affiliate links to be enough, then just be more picky with your paid advertising. That way, sponsorship will be worth more to the companies that sponsor you because they will know that you would choose that product over another for your own personal use (and so will your audience).
  13. Great, some first hand experience! Well I think I will go ahead with this build. Just a couple more weeks before I have enough cash. Before I order, I'll make sure to post a final spec check on this forum to make sure everything will fit and work.
  14. @FlakeyBanana Yeah I assumed it would work exactly as you said but then on some tomshardware threads people were saying that 2 kits won't necessarily work even if they are the exact same model and that quad channel certified kits are the best option. This seemed crazy to me that a DUAL channel mobo with 4 DIMMs wouldn't work with 2 DUAL channel kits of the same exact model. @Oisin Maguire Ah I see, so would it be possible to use, for example, a 1600 Mhz kit and an underclocked 2133Mhz kit running at 1600Mhz if they have the same timings? I'm not planning to do this of course, just curious.
  15. My buddy Google wasn't any help so I thought I better ask here. I know this question is far from unique: I want to buy an 8GB RAM kit now (2x4GB) and I want to know if I could buy a second kit (exactly the same model) in the future and chuck it in my build. This is the mobo I'm planning to buy: Gigabyte Z87-HD3 This is the RAM kit I'm planning to buy: Corsair 8GB Vengeance Pro Black 2133 CL9 Everything I found so far on putting 2 dual channel kits in a dual channel mobo with 4 DIMM slots was over a year old so I wasn't sure whether to trust it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!