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Everything posted by xrex64

  1. I'm not sure what you're talking about....
  2. I'm turning my server computer off for the first time in 150 days. :(

    1. Vitalius



      *sysadmins everywhere*

    2. Yummychickenblue
    3. EpicGeekonFire


      150 days, thats it!

  3. Also, it seems that not ALL notifications go to my pebble (Ex. Twitter, Games, etc..) Is this normal?
  4. For some reason, mine went from 100% to 70% in about 5 hours on the first day. Seems strange. Could it have to do with companions apps?
  5. I got a Pebble (Original)! Love it so far.
  6. I'm looking at just getting a Pebble, not a Pebble Steel. Do you guys think it's a good save of $100?
  7. If you can find me one $200 and under, sure.
  8. I have a budget of around $200 for a smart watch. Which one should I get? Uses: - Wearing at school - Running - I listen to podcasts too
  9. If you had $90 store credit at Microcenter for returning an item, and were willing to pay up to $50 on top of that... what would you get? (I hope you see what I'm getting at) Don't worry about my needs, just list what YOU would get.
  10. I think I used the some alligator clips or something then put them in the molex, and on the battery box accordingly.
  11. xrex64

    MicroCenter is selling an open box 770 4gb for…

    what r u, 12
  12. xrex64

    MicroCenter is selling an open box 770 4gb for…

    I can still call you Mr. Lee.
  13. That's not very helpful. There are dozens of i5's and i7's that fall under that price range, as well as others that exceed it.
  14. xrex64

    MicroCenter is selling an open box 770 4gb for…

    Or are you Mr. Lee?
  15. xrex64

    MicroCenter is selling an open box 770 4gb for…

    i call bs
  16. Could you translate to American? jk Is he playing on a regular home network? Also: "I had loads of connection problems.. Could maybe log into 1 of 15-20 servers i tried. I then opened each port "manually" (DMZ did not work with BF4) TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-20100, 22990, 17502, 42127 UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300 After I did this, I haven't had a failed login once. All successful atempts!"
  17. xrex64

    TIL middle clicking a bookmark opens it in a ne…

    Oh, lol
  18. xrex64

    TIL middle clicking a bookmark opens it in a ne…

    Middle clicking anything opens it in a new tab... lol
  19. xrex64

    cock https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hph…

    Never using ethernet again. I'll stick to wireless.
  20. xrex64

    MicroCenter is selling an open box 770 4gb for…

    bruh, I saw a new 770 for 240 AR at newegg.
  21. xrex64

    Here I am panicking that my windows isn't booti…

    I have to admit, people here don't like troubleshooting, along with anywhere in the world.