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Everything posted by KenixKill96

  1. Subaru Outback 3.0R H6 Best thing i bought in my life :)

  2. I dont understand why so many people get mad because of this. I mean nobody of those kids has to pay him money so its no rip-off. I'd rather watch pewdiepie then a lot of other garbage that is on youtube! but yeah 4.8 Million is a bit overkill tho
  3. KenixKill96

    Ah, normal Temps outside.

    Finally but on the weekend its gonna rise up to 35 again
  4. Yep i saw this way to late sorry mate i should read first
  5. Nevermind i should read first... Sorry
  6. KenixKill96

    it got so warm in Germany, need AC.

    @spwath It's called: Ich gehe NACH Deutschland and not ZU Deutschland (don't want to be a grammar nazi i just want to help people improve if you want that)
  7. KenixKill96

    BOINC Team has 2 Billion Credits! http://linust…

    Cool! Good to be a part of it
  8. KenixKill96

    OMG, I still love GTA 5, like on the first day.…

    Ich hab dich bereits auf steam^^ (Mr. Kenix) (in GTA V ist mein username KenixKill96)
  9. KenixKill96

    OMG, I still love GTA 5, like on the first day.…

    What level are you online? maybe we can play together at ssome point :)
  10. KenixKill96

    What would be a usable gaming laptop? Nothing s…

    i think MSI has some good ones like the gs60 or gs70 But also a good option is of course the razor blade
  11. Username: Scahaffi Favourite Videos(So Far ): https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 Also my twitter share https://twitter.com/Scahaffi/status/580432699040641025 https://twitter.com/Scahaffi/status/580433081758253056
  12. Im so happy about this! It's AMAZING!
  13. KenixKill96

    Just to be clear - if you tell another member o…

    @Rohith_Kumar_Sp Ha i see what you did there ^^
  14. KenixKill96

    My network printer should go to hell. FCUK that…

    Because it Keeps of the white Walkers (if you know what i mean with that :D)
  15. KenixKill96

    My network printer should go to hell. FCUK that…

    I can only agree with ShadowCaptain :D
  16. KenixKill96

    Just to be clear - if you tell another member o…

    I'm innocent :D
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tAsUGEqob4&list=RDG1860qZJlA8&index=27
  18. Finaly i waited really long for it! Hopefully im gonna like it
  19. Ha ur telling me i cant take a joke. Being childish and then say its a joke is Actually a Joke
  20. Yes its successful marketing material still unnecessary.
  21. If this would be true it would be Amazing! But honestly i dont have faith in it