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  1. InMiseryWeSeekPancakes


    1% How lovely america is and how we should be grateful to live in such a wonderful place 

     9% Idk some fucking gibbersh I wouldn't be able to understand if it was on my life

    90% " FUCK YEAH! "

  2. captain_to_fire


    I wonder if Minnesotans/mid west really speak like this?


  3. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Not that I've encountered...

  4. PCGuy_5960
  5. Crunchy Dragon
  6. Dylanc1500


    Just to let you know, thanks to you I got half my office to scream this together. Walked out of my office when it was dead quiet and yelled we need a little more America in here. Some guy started singing it and then about twelve us were yelling it.


    It was a beautiful moment, brought a tear to my eye.

  7. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    I love it.


    That's honestly amazing.
