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  1. Paddi01
  2. Dylanc1500


    Beautiful buildings. I wish I had gotten a chance to visit them. Seeing them drop will forever be engrained into my memory.

  3. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    I never saw them fall, but I've seen the videos and heard recordings.


    I have no real words.

  4. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    I was 355 days old when the towers fell. My mom told me that my older brother was in school when the towers dropped; she went to pick him up, from what I remember. 

  5. Dylanc1500


    I was in school at the time. Seeing them drop live, was a feeling I wish upon no one. I don't think I will ever get the same feeling that I did at that moment. I can only imagine how those that were there at the time had felt.


    My parents didn't come pick me up, however, every single school in our town closed about 30 minutes after the second tower dropped. Some of us riding buses home, others getting rides home. We didn't go back to school for the rest of the week. When we came back we all went straight to the gyms or auditoriums and had 5 minutes of silence. Then everyone that had relatives were asked to stand up and we all held hands and prayed. Mind you this was school building of roughly 375 kids, and this was done in every school across a town with over 2500 students. I still to this day, have yet to see people come together like they did at that moment.

  6. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    It's sad that people can't unit like that without something having to prompt it.


    And these days, if something bad does happen, it usually gets leveraged to push a political agenda which is pretty sickening.

    Not to politicize anything here, just how I feel and what I think.
